Friday, July 22, 2005

The Post About Nothing

I hope that last post didn't come off as sounding like I was fishing for compliments because thats not what I intended, but thanks James, your comment was sweet. The entry was more of a reaction to hearing a few women talk about tummy tucks as if it were as simple as a going to the dentist for a teeth cleaning. *Sigh*.

It's also amazing what a little good light and the right angles can do for a girl, 'cause in real life I really look like this:

"No, no. That wasn't the one I said. This one means Kill Kirk... And also, hallelujah... Depending on the context."

Or not.

I don't think the quote from "House" is exactly fair. "House" is a show that I love to hate. Everything that Hugh Laurie's character (Wooster for those who know) says pisses me off to no end. He's emotionally cripled, sexist, narcissistic and just plain mean, but I find him facinating in a horrible sort of way. Anyways, what he's saying is that because a woman is beautiful, she is automatically exempt from having to develop any other desirable qualities by society. That if she really wanted to be something other than a doctor, she could have.

That's true to some degree, but normal people don't just become doctors because they're 'ugly' and smart. People become doctors because they want to help others, and has nothing to do with being pretty or ugly.

I've met several girls who have been like super-model gorgeous, but I also consider to be the smartest and most compassionate people I've met. Their own beauty means very little to them and devote themselves to helping others.

Do you follow? I can't tell if I'm making any sense. Blah.

The West Wing is also a good show. Both my dad and myself love to live in the pretend world that Jed Bartlett is president... and the upcoming election is between Jimmy Smit and Alan Alda. Can't go wrong there.


This blog entry is about nothing, and I have writer's block. I'll write again when I can find something to write about.

Until Later,


p.s. Bunnies re-inacting Rocky Horror Picture Show in 30 seconds and other films for those who care to see.

p.p.s. I'm going to finally start reading all the books I should be reading. Starting with Life of Pi, then moving on to Memoirs of a Geshia. I'd like to read something by Norman Mailer... more Vonnegut, then perhaps finish with Kerouac. I bet I won't get past Memoirs, but I like to think I will.


meg said...

(That depends on who's in your audience, dear *drools*)

Anonymous said...

I think House is hilarious... he reminds me of a gym teacher i had in high school. all the girls hated him because he pretended to be sexist, but all the guys loved him for the same reason. he was way too ugly to actually be sexist, so u knew it was just a front.
I would argue that House is not mean, and from the 3 episodes i've seen, not actually sexist. Theres a difference between being sexist and making sexist jokes i think.
There are a ridiculouse number of quotes on IMDB from House, considering its age.
I think the point you make comparing attractiveness and doctor-becomingness(?) almost furthers House's point.
He was saying she could have gotten by without working, but she didn't, and became a doctor. She probably didn't make the conscious thought "I'm pretty, so I don't have to become a doctor, but I will because I like helping people" instead her disposition towards helping people precluded her from leaning on her good looks. And that means she must really like helping people.
by the way, fishing for compliments in a blog is a good idea, watch for it on

Sondra said...

AND I sell Star Trek Action Figures from 12-17 dollars, baby!

What more could any man/klingon want?

meg said...

Dear James Dean,
you are kind of creepy
(see last post's comments)
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

wow, i dont think i've ever been called creepy in my life, i dont know how to take that.
are you referring to your or my comments in the last post?

meg said...


Anonymous said...

... nope, i dont get it

meg said...

I don't mean REALLY creepy. I mean, you are obviously not going to like, kill someone or something. I just mean sort of creepy. (no time to explain-- internet cafe. sorry! didn't mean to offend you...)

Sondra said...

James- I wouldn't get too offended, Meg calls everyone creepy. I myself have been christened “Miss Creepy Pants” by her from time to time.

The comment Meg was referring to was “having only seen headshots (and hairshots), i think you're gorgeous”. It was very very sweet and I was very very flattered (I have never been called gorgeous before), but given that I do not know you, it was slightly weird.

I’m sure you are the sweetest of people, but one has to be careful of these things. Don’t take it personally, I’m just trying to not end up stalked/killed/harassed.