Saturday, April 29, 2006

I cut down trees, I wear high heels...

...suspenders and a bra! I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my great papa!

Last night before going out to an Art Prom, I came across this article. Ruth and I both found it quite amusing.

Female kidney turns lumberjack on to housework

A Croatia lumberjack claims he started 'enjoying housework and knitting' after he was given a female kidney.

Stjepan Lizacic, 56, from Osijek, is suing his local health authority because he says he's become a laughing stock.

He says his life changed from enjoying heavy drinking sessions with pals to prefering housework after the operation.

He told local newspaper 24sata: "The kidney transplant saved my life, but they never warned me about the side effects.

"I have developed a strange passion for female jobs like ironing, sewing, washing dishes, sorting clothes in wardrobes and even knitting."

He pointed out that before the kidney transplant he would not have been seen dead doing the housework, and expected his wife to do it all, but now found it both relaxing and fulfilling.

He said: "My wife is the only one that is pleased. I do most of the housework now, and I blame the hospital that transplanted me the kidney of a 50-year-old woman instead of a man's kidney."

His wife Radmila added: "If the new femine side to him is confined to housework I am very happy, I only hope he doesn't start looking at other men."
(for this article and others, go to ananova)

Oh, stupid man.

I guess what I find the most amusing is that he said he now enjoys knitting. It's not too dificult to vacuum the floor or fold a sweater but kniting involves active learning. Maybe he was sitting around one evening and asked his wife- "Dear, can you teach me how to knit? It's my goddamn kidneys again... they're craving to know how to faire isle."

Until Later,


Friday, April 28, 2006


You know, I think things are pretty good.

It's pleasant outside. Right now the lawn all around campus is being cut, and giving off that delicious summer grass smell. It's one of those smells that instantly remind you of running around barefoot, playing tag or cowboys and indians.

The year is coming to an end. I can't believe it, it seems like ages ago when my parents said their final goodbyes and left me standing in front of my dorm. I remember feeling so exhilarated, so nervous, so uncertain.

I don't know how, but things just clicked.

I feel really accomplished, I feel like I've done a pretty good job with dealing with my new surroundings. I've really learned a lot about myself, and I think ultimately that's one the best thing you can do for yourself. To be perfectly honest, I'm not positive AU is right for me. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the best place for any major I'm considering and it wouldn't be terrible to find a place that challenges me even more with less expense. There are still things I'm not sure of or happy with but those things are relatively small problems in the whole grand scheme of things.

It's amazing how immature things were in High School. If nothing is really expected of you, then of course you're going to be a pissy teen that doesn't do anything. We dismiss the abilities of children/teens, yet wonder why they don't do anything right.

In High School they don't let you get mad. They tend to frown upon getting passionate about a subject. The general expectation is that you conform and try not to stab anyone. I love it how my professors here not only encourage free passionate discussion, they themselves get riled up right along with you. I found a great Gloria Steinem quote- "The Truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."

I really like this feeling that I can truly do anything I put my mind to.

Soon, back to Rochester.

Until Later,


Monday, April 24, 2006

where it's at

Today was such a great day. It was a lot of work, but that meant a lot of work was turned in or presented.

I finished up my interview paper, and sent it to the interviewee. I was so pleased that she loved the paper, it’s a bit nerve racking to write about someone else’s experiences. I mean, she was there, not me.

I’ve been so impressed with what my interviewee does for a living, I’m hoping to get a summer job working for her. It may be simply be making copies or bringing coffee without pay, but I think the experience would be so phenomenal. If it turns out that this is what I’d want to do for a living, wouldn’t that be fantastic?

My two presentations seemed to go well too, and although I tripped up a bit, I think everything went fine. It’s just nice to get that out of the way.

I got a care package from my church to day as well, which was quite pleasing to my beady little PMS-y eyes. What can I say, God loves me!

I also had dinner with my future roomie, and we discovered our mutual propensity for quoting movies. “Endorphins make you happy…happy people don’t kill their husbands.”

I feel much better now all of this work is out of the way. Now I can relax, turn on the fake news and finish my psychology homework.

Until Later,


Friday, April 21, 2006

Hot Hot Dog!


Hot Dog Day Weekend has finally come!

It's true I still have half a paper to finish, two presentations to prepare for and some homework to be done, but Hot Dog Day has a way of eliminating any sort of mental capacity to actually do any of these things.

But come on! Booze! Hot Dogs! Best Friend Visiting! Parades! Mud Games! More Booze!

Who wants to sit down and write at a time like this?! This is a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who...

*sigh* I suppose that is what Sunday nights are for.

Work Work.

Until Later,


Thursday, April 13, 2006

oy vey

I was sitting at my computer, working on my outline for my women's studies interview thingy and I became increasingly aware that I had a song stuck in my head.

Then I stopped.

And I realized what song it was.

"The Dreidle Song".

I'm weird.

Until Later,


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

i told you so

I'm telling ya, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when you build giant walls!

Thank you Jeff Rowland. Thank you.


people are retarded.

Until Later,


Monday, April 10, 2006

shiny and new

There's a new knitty!

I SO want to knit these cute guys now.

Until Later,


Thursday, April 06, 2006


I'm stealing Meg's Survey o doom from caelynpelvis because i'm bored.

1. Filmed yourself with someone else? No?
2. Painted your room? Yes, a very pretty blue-green.
3. Made out with a member of the same sex? No
4. Driven a car? Yes
5. Danced in front of your mirror? Hehe yeah.
6. Had a crush? Yes
7. Been dumped? Yes
8. Stolen money from a friend? No
9. Gotten in a car with people you just met? Yes, first day of college- trip to wal-mart!
10. Been in a fist fight? No

11. Snuck out of your house? Kinda? I just more or less left without my parents knowing...not really sneaking out though.
12. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Uh, its called High School?
13. Been arrested? No
14. Made out with a stranger? No
15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Yes
16. Left your house without telling your parents? Yes
17. Had a crush on your neighbor? Kinda
18. Ditched school to do something more fun? Ditched class to go frolic outside when it was pretty out.
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yes
20. Seen someone die? No...and I want to keep it like that.

21. Been on a plane? Uh, yeah.
22. Kissed a picture? Hehe, yes.
23. Slept in until 3PM? I've slept until 4 PM baby!
24. Love someone or miss someone right now? *sigh* yes.
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Mmmhm. Yup.
26. Made a snow angel? Yeah, every winter.
27. Played dress up? Of course! And dressed up the dogs too!
28. Cheated while playing a game? Shh!
29. Been lonely? Yeah.
30. Fallen asleep at work/school? Nope.

31. Been to a club? No not really.
32. Felt an earthquake? Yes.
33. Touched a snake? Yup.
34. Ran a red light? Accidentally yes.
35. Been suspended from school? No
36. Had detention? No
37. Been in a car accident? Yes.
38. Hated the way you look? Yeah, once and a while.
39. Witnessed a crime? Just small stuff.
40. Pole danced? Hehe no.

41. Been lost? Yup.
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? Yes, tis beautiful.
43. Felt like dying? Not really. Wishing I could disapear, yes.
44. Cried yourself to sleep? Yeah, a couple times.
45. Ever had a full-blown panic attack? Yeah, I discovered I was afraid of heights at the Grand Canyon.
46. Sang karaoke? Hehe yup! It was some Matchbox 20 song.
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? *sigh* Yes. Human nature, right?
48. Laughed til some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yup, chocolate milk when I was like 9. It was terribly embarassing.
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yup.
50. Kissed in the rain? No, its one of my dreams though. It would be like being in an old black and white movie.

51. Sang in the shower? Yup "Someday you will find me carpeting the landslide in a champagne super nova in the sky..."
52. Made love in a park? Nope.
53. Had a dream that you married someone? Yes.
54. Glued your hand to something? *Giggles* yes, to my other hand.
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No, I saw A Christmas Story. I know not to do that.
56. Ever gone to school partially naked? No
57. Been a cheerleader? Never
58. Sat on a roof top? Yeah
59. Didn't take a shower for a week? I don't think so. I don't think I've ever gone any longer than 4 days. Showers are nice, so I take lots of them.
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Yes, all the time. I need someone to claw into if I'm gonna get scared.

61. Played chicken? With bikes, yes.
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? No
64. Broken a bone? No
65. Been easily amused? Hehe. Spatula.
66. Laugh so hard you cry? Many times.
67. Mooned/flashed someone? No
68. Cheated on a test? I've only occasionally looked over to see someone's answer before, but never on the entire test.
69. Forgotten someone's name? Yeah. I stink with names.
70. Slept naked? Yup.

71. Gone skinny dipping in a pool? No
72. Peed in a pool? No
73. Blacked out from drinking? No
74.Played a prank on someone? Not really
75. Gone to a late night movie? Yeah
76. Made love to anything not human? No. I don't find inanimate objects attractive.
77. Failed a class? Yes, in High School once. Stupid pre-diagnosed ADD years.
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? No, although that would be hillarious.
79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? straight? No
80. Cheated on a girl/boyfriend? No.

81. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? Yes, because it's my Grandpa's brithday as well. Otherwise I am not patriotic at all.
82. Thrown strange objects? A retainer case once to get my brother to stop snoring.
83. Felt like killing someone? I like to go through the occasional violent senario in my head of people spontaneously combusting and such but I don't think ever truly could.
84. Thought about running away? Yeah, but I was little and I'd just sit outside in the woods until it got dark and I got scared.
85. Ran away? No
86. Did hard drugs? No
87. Had detention and not attend it? No
88. Listen to music to alter your mood? All the time. Music and dark chocolate is what motivates me to go to class every week. It's all about developing positive associations, baby! B.F. Skinner would be so proud.
89. Made a parent cry? I think so, if it was in a bad way they never let me see though, and I think my mom has gotten teary-eyed when I've made her proud.
90. Cried over someone? Yeah.

91. Owned more than 5 Sharpies? Yup
92. Dated someone more than once? Kinda?
93. Had a dog? Yup
94. Own an instrument? Yes, a flute and guitar and never play either anymore.
95. Been in a band? There was that brief period of that oh so indie band that we never played.
96. Drank 25 sodas in a day? No.
97. Broken a CD? Yes, i stepped on one accidentally. It made the most sickening of 'crunch' noises. It was so sad.
98. Shot a gun? Only paper cap guns when playing Cowboys and Indians with the Weinerts.
99. Did something completely selfless? You could argue that nothing is ever truly selfless. And if I told you if I did something completely selfless than that would make the selfless action null because I got recognition for it.
100. Lied about loving someone? No.