Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Eram, Erat, Eras


Needless to say, I was not too happy about waking up this morning. I am still not in a good mood. Blah F-ing morning.

Coffee. One moment. Blah.


Nick's post today reminded me of the Latin class I took back in high school. I don't remember much, a few declensions, nouns, a verb or two thats pretty much it. It was a great class though, and we even had a toga party in bed sheets. The thing I do remember the most though was being amused by the sentances we had to translate.

Now, French is a different world. The two languages share alot, but the things you learn in French are much more practical. French is still a language very much alive and used all the time. The thing with Latin is because it is a dead language, the vocabulary is very much dated.


In French the first sentances you start to learn are practical things. e.g. "Où est l'école?"(Where is the school) and other things. But with French you keep on learning other words, words related to the modern world. "Ordinateur"(computer)and "Voiture"(car).

But thats not the case with Latin, unless you want to take the neo-latin approach and make up words for modern day things.

In Latin class, our first sentances were "agricolae in via" (The farmers are in the road)...I think thats it, anyways.

The funny thing is, as the class progressed, the sentances from our books had a tendancy to get increasingly violent due to lack of vocabulary.

The farmer in the road turned to sentances like- "The Romans invaded Gaul", "The soldiers captured the women" and (the all time favorite violent latin phrase) "The soldiers used swords on the slaves".

I am totally not making up any of those sentances. We had to translate them all. Just don't ask me to translate them now... I'd fail miserably.

Added Later: Okay, I can do better than this. I've been Miss Bitchy Pants lately. I'm not exactly sure why I've been acting like this. I normally only pull this card when provoked, but for some reason It seems as if I've been snapping at everyone. It needs to stop.

I went for a walk and I talked to an adorable little boy named Michael who was five. It made me feel a little better, and I'll be trying harder.

My posts also haven't been up to par since the "Love Your Tree" post, and I'm sorry, so I'm going to be making extra effort in the next few. Tomorrow I FINALLY get my hair cut, so that should give me at least something to work with.

If you're sick of the 'hair posts' (I am, at least), something with lots of substance is comming soon. Hopefully.

But before any of my 'trying harder' is manifested in my blog, I need to take care of a few things on the home front.

Note: The "Beauty Truth" quote is from Alison's tattoo. Thanks Alison, It too made my day a little better.

Until Later,



Anonymous said...

hey, dont be so hard on yourself, its not like we are coming to your blog and being like "Agh, that damn bitch isn't funny again today! First the Charlie Brown comic wasn't funny and now this!"
I remember when I was learning french (I'm Canadian) and the first two verbs you learn are
etre - to be
avoir - to have
and we were learning how to use them, conjugate them, etc. French is a bastard language because there are 8 conjugations of each verb, and some verb conjugations sound NOTHING LIKE THE ORIGINAL VERB AT ALL
etre can become suis, es, est, sommes, etes or sont
Anyway, the teacher is asking us to make simple sentences and this girl goes "Je suis deux chattes"
= "I am two cats" ;)

Sondra said...

English isn't exactly an easy language either, and Francais sounds so much more beautiful!

Mais tout va bien, vraiment! It's not my blog I'm bothered about. I know I have good entries and not so good entries. It's things at home that's getting to me. Having to help around the house all of the time and never getting out can do that to you.

Nothing a good chocolat chaud avec une amie a Joe Bean (Jean Haricot?) couldn't fix.