Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I Did Nothing!

Today was lovely.

Days in which there is nothing to do are splendid.

Accomplishments of the day:

Woke up.

Ate cereal.

*Brushed teeth.

Lolled on lawn, looked up at sky.

Painted my nails with 'long lasting' red nail polish.

Slurped tomato soup.

*Brushed teeth.

Talked to Tim.

Hadn't talked to Tim in year(s).


Was told something that just re-affirmed my belief that it's not just me.

Felt good about it.

Cursed not so long lasting 'long lasting' red nail polish.

Wished I hadn't spent the extra two dollars.

Ate hummus and pita bread.

Danced because it was delicious.

*Warning: Tom's of Maine natural toothpaste in apricot is very addicting. Tastes only slightly of apricot, but no toothpaste-ish aftertaste. May result in comments such as- "Oh Boy! I get to brush my teeth now!" and "Yes! My teeth need brushing!". Excessive brushing may include side effects of happiness, healthy teeth and dazzling smile.

Until Later,



meg said...

I had a serious addiction to the Gingermintpaste for a while. and it didn't even taste good. My mom bought me spearmint and my brushing time has gone back down to a normal length of time (cries from withdrawl)

TIM!? you mean.. your Canadian bum friend?!
(by bum I mean not so much "bum" as I mean "hick" and by hick I mean not so much "hick" as "ghetto blaster")
Or was that Ian...?

In my head, for some reason, the names are similar

Sondra said...

No! Tim Haines, from school!

silly girl.

meg said...

Yeah, I thought it might have been him too...