Tuesday, January 31, 2006

unrelated stuff

I think I'm gonna go visit Rochester this weekend.

It will be nice to be home for the weekend and see a few people. Go get coffee at Joe Bean and buy myself a new pair of pants (to replace the ones that disappeared over winter break...I think they're chilling in Florida right now.)

It feels like I haven't been home in a while but I've only been away 4 weeks.

I'm still really enjoying my classes. I've learned how to (kinda) do that click thing that the
!Kung (aka "The Bush People") tribe people make in Anthropology. That's awesome. Christine and I practiced saying the name "!Nai" while walking to the next class.

Learning about other distant cultures is sometimes a nice distraction from
other such things that happen to be going on lately. Quel Nightmare.

Went to the study abroad fair today... looked interesting. I can't say I have much of an interest in learning another language though. At least not in a classroom anymore.

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I want to do something with Sociology. That or Cultural Anthropology even. Perhaps minor in Women's Studies. If I could study abroad and somehow tie that in, that would be awesome. And again, there is always the peace corp after college...

It's a hard decision, wondering what you want to do in life. I enjoy learning and I would like to go on to graduate school, but there are lots of factors involved. Firstly, I'd have to pay for it on my own. Secondly, if I end up doing something like being a social worker, then I really won't have the income to pay off debts from school. Yet I don't want to find out I can't get a job in a field I really want to go into because I didn't get my Master's or whatever.

Bleh Bleh.

Gilmore Girls tonight which means I must get my homework done now. Hopefully they'll start showing new episodes next week. Regardless, I haven't seen many seasons at all this year so it's good to catch up. It's just more drama, but it's still addicting.

Until Later,


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