Friday, January 13, 2006

a new semester soon!

So I've got just a few more days before I go back to school.

It's been a really nice break. It was so good to get away from AU and visit Webster again. I got to see lots of people many times, always a good thing.

I've learned a few things since I've been on break. First, that I don't especially like being alone anymore.

Of course, that sounds worse than it actually is. It's simply that before, I'd go out of my way to spend time all by my lonesome. Sure I'd want to see friends, and I would. I would simply value my time alone more than with others.

Now I don't especially like being alone, and have simply become alot more pro-active about calling up friends and making sure I'm not alone.

This is probably just a side effect of living in a dorm. This is not to say I spend all of my time with others either though.

I just had a nice walk up to the park yesterday. I stood up by the white house and enjoyed people watching for almost an hour. The weather was beautiful. I wished I had brought my camera so I could have taken a few pictures of Lake Ontario. I think I'm gonna walk up there again tomorrow and bring my camera.

I've also realized that I miss my friends from back home ALOT. Although I would never trade AU for High School, I do really miss hanging out with friends on a daily basis.

I just need to keep on reminding myself that it's not so much that I'm losing friends from back home, simply gaining new ones from Alfred.

Anyway, this is starting to sound way too sentimental and cliche. Hopefully Webster Park pictures will be up tomorrow! I've gotta make good use of the camera before I go back to school! I'm gonna try to keep up with the regular posting, but I'm gonna be super busy with my new classes next semester. I've really been enjoying getting back to the ol' bloggin'. My goal is to update at least once a week though. We'll see how it goes.

Until Later,


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