Wednesday, December 14, 2005
oh yeah!
I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be enjoying my time back with family and friends.
Oh yes, and lots of good food. Can't forget the food.
And the wonderful lack of studying my brains out.
Until Later,
Monday, December 12, 2005
almost there!
two exams down, one to go.
taking it in stride with lots of xmas music and movies.
tonight it's how the grinch stole christmas!
yay boris karloff!
can't wait to see everyone during break!
Until Later,
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
School is getting a bit* crazy, won't be updating much until they're over.
Then home for family, good food and lots of luuuuve!
Until Later,
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Until Later,
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
feel the love
Hurah! I am 19!
And so far no 1/4 life crisis! Woot!
I was looking through a box of momentos I have kept over the years. I found something think about how different things are for me now. Sure theres problems now, and life keeps on getting more and more complicated. But before I was miserable in school and didn't think very highly of myself. Now I'm happy at school, doing well, and have a higher self-esteem. I can deal.
Go me!
Well, this is my only time I'll ever be 19, so I'm gonna go celebrate that with delicious pizza, awesome movies and fantastic friends! You're welcome to join if your near by and if your not, well, I'll be keeping you in mind anyway. Wish I could have all my friends here!
I would also like to thank everyone who has been so lovely as to wish me a happy birthday! I feel loved!
Until Later,
Friday, November 25, 2005
tolerable i suppose...
It's soo good to be home again. I'm enjoying my break imensely.
I just saw the new 'Pride and Prejudice' today. I have to admit, I was a bit worried. Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet? Eee...
However, I was incredibly pleased with the movie. It was fantastic. Mathew MacFayden is brilliant as Mr. Darcy...*swoon* I think I'm in love...
I can't wait to watch this movie five billions times...
The movie has already climbed its way into the ranks as my second all time favorite Jane Austen movie and I've only seen it once. Watch out Amanda Root and CiarĂ¡n Hinds had better watch out.
Until Later,
p.s. mp3 players are fun.
Monday, November 21, 2005
the babe with the power
i'm getting my hair cut this thanksgiving break and its gonna be like this:
who needs ugly wigs when you can cut your hair a la goblin king bowie?
Until Later,
Friday, November 18, 2005
a million times better
After taking a nap, I woke up in a lovely mood.
I made myself spaghetti.
Then almost as soon as I had finished the gigantic bowl of spaghetti, my roomie rushed in saying- "sondra-you-need-to-go-outside-its-snowing-and-its-so-pretty-and-we-are-going-to-go-frolic-in-it-come-along!"
How could I say no?
It was soo very pretty outside, it wasn't the first time it's snowed, but this was the first really official snow. Pretty snow.
Then we came back inside, and watched "Dead Alive", which is quite possibly one of the greatest movies ever. Zombies. Blood. Zombie babies in blenders. Who could want more?
Then we made paper snowflakes, which are hanging up over my bed right now.
Now I'm watching the Ok Go music video, A Million Ways... its fantastic.
Things aren't really looking any better than they were before, but my mood is better anyway.
Until Later,
Thursday, November 17, 2005
It's all getting way too predictable.
I wish I had a car so I could leave.
I wish I had a concert to go to.
One really loud, dirty, kickass concert.
I'm getting so bored and restless.
Just. A. Few. More. Days. Until. Break.
ever have a one of those days where you just can't seem to tolerate anything?
Until Later,
Sunday, November 13, 2005
nothing happening
For the longest time I just thought that the webcomic Nothing Nice To Say wasn't updating at all.
Then I just discovered that I had linked it to a specific comic, and not the website itself.
Ah well, I got a mini Nothing Nice-palooza.
Yes, I am a nerd.
Until Later,
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
i don't wanna grow up!
I've also realized that I do need to start acting more responsible. (but mainly not)
Sometimes I wonder if I'm just being stupid of if it's other people that are.
Sometimes I wonder whether I just don't like large groups of people or if I'm just afraid of them.
Until Later,
Thursday, November 03, 2005
this is fucking fantastic!
Until Later,
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
beware exploding snakes
Procrastination affords the perfect opportunity!
About a month ago, my roommate Ruth found this very amusing article online. It's been a giant inside joke since.
Heres the just of the article:
A 13-foot Burmese python exploded while trying to digest an alive 6-foot aligator. Both animals died as a result.
What Ruth and I cannot figure out is how the hell the aligator got swallowed alive in the first place. I mean, I can understand the python more. It seemed big enough that it really wouldn't have much of a problem swallowing an aligator.
Regardless though, being swallowed is something that generally takes some time. Perhaps the aligator was napping? Had a long night partying and not only woke up with a nasty hangover but also inside of a giant python? I like to think the python's part was due to peer pressure. Perhaps his buddies got together and dared him. Perhaps it was something like this:
Python: Oh dude, I'm so hungry, I could eat like 10 dogs!
Python Friend: Oh dude, I'm so hungry, I could eat like 20 dogs...and a monkey!
Python: Oh yeah? I'm so hungry I could eat an entire aligator!
Python Friend: Dude, you could totally NOT an entire aligator! In fact, I DARE YOU to eat an entire aligator!
Python: Yeah?
Python Friend: Yeah! In fact, I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU!
Python: ....uh, yeah? *toungue flickers nervously*
Python: Uh, I dunno dude... that looks kinda big...
Python Friend: What are you, some kinda retarded little gardner snake? DO IT! I DARE YOU!
(other pythons hiss encouragingly as python starts)
Group of Python Friends: GO! GO! GO!
*5 hours later*
Python Friend: Well THAT ended badly...
hehehehe. for more on this article, clicky here.
Although, my version was much better than whatever crap ABC News has in that article. Seriously. I dare ABC News to write something better. I dare you. I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU! DO IT! DO IT!
*ABC News explodes*
Until Later,
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

It reminds me of dressing up the Weinert's dogs as a child...
That's all for now, today was a long day. I just kinda burbled incoherently.
time for a big ass cup of coffee...
Until Later,
p.s. As a sidenote, Questionable Content now includes scary eyelashes.
Monday, October 31, 2005
[brackets of pleasure]
[A boy named after a cheese]
[Cute children in halloween costumes]
[Mail finally getting here]
[Packaging peanuts]
[Stealing and killing kittens in ethics]
[Indie webcomics]
[Beautiful weather]
...have made this day a very pleasant one.
good moods are wonderful.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Until Later,
Sunday, October 30, 2005
I know I haven't updated in a while, life has a nasty habit of keeping me too busy to update. Or if I did have time, I couldn't think of anything to write.
I'm finding myself truly frustrated with people. People who I don't think love themselves much and so decide to go drink too much.
It's not fair, and it makes me sad. Truly intelligent, loving, fun people who think their better off forgetting their nights.
It's not that I'm against drinking. I might come off that way, but I don't think I am. It's when people start to abuse it. When I expect that 3 a.m. phone call or visit. That's when I get upset.
I hate... when I can't fix things. When I know that all I can do is listen. That I can't make things better right away.
I hate it when I feel so goddamned obligated sometimes. That I have to try and help, that I can't just stand by and watch.
The worst problems are the ones you experience indirectly. You get to see exactly what is going on and you can't do one goddamned thing about it.
Right now I seriously doubt I'll ever feel as happy here as I did back home with friends. I know thats a lie, but it sure feels true.
There should be a word for the emotion that is: angry/sad/disapointed/used/frustrated/amused/irritated/resentful/hopeless/powerless.
I just realized how drastically different things were a little more than three months ago. Insanely different. I should get back to that. When the little things in life were more important.
Until Later,
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
oh yes it is!
I can see the floor! We have a floor!
Now to pick up a broom of sorts. My crap is picked up, but the floor is a bit discusting.
Then again, college and trash on the floor seem a bit inextricable.
It's amazing how cleaning your room and chatting on the phone a bit with an old friend can improve one's mood. I'm coming home this Friday. This is awesome. Again, I will make every attempt to see everyone, but no promises.
Ethics class keeps on getting better and better. I come back from class every day with at least three questions buzzing around in my brain, hardly being able to wait for the next discussion. There was actually a pretty funny conversation with a friend's mom about a month ago. It went something like this:
friend's mom: "So Sondra, what is your major?"
me: "Oh, well, Undecided, but I'm in the Liberal Arts school. I didn't want to declare anything because I figured I'd change my mind ten times over before junior year. I'm probably going to end up majoring in philosophy though."
friend's mom: "Oh?.... Why don't you major in something you like?"
me: "..... I do like philosophy."
*awkward silence*
friend's mom: "oh."
Oh man. Philosophy Major. Fuck. Get ready to take the LSATS dearie...
I'm thinking a small nap sounds pretty good right now.
Until Later,
Monday, October 10, 2005
neutral anthem
The only girl I've ever loved
Was born with roses in her eyes
But then they buried her alive
One evening 1945
With just her sister at her side
And only weeks before the guns
All came and rained on everyone
Now she's a little boy in Spain
Playing pianos filled with flames
On empty rings around the sun
All sing to say my dream has come
But now we must pick up every piece
Of the life we used to love
Just to keep ourselves
At least enough to carry on
Today I layed in bed and wished it would snow. Large fluffy flakes, falling into the trees by the window. Coldness pressed tight up against the window, but the the colder it is the warmer it seems to be inside.
I wish I could hold these moments seperate, away from all of the pain and confusion. Keep them safe from being ruined or forgotten.
Until Later,
p.s. I know what you would do and say to this. You would look me in the eyes which would scare me but it's what i secretly love. You would tell me that it's impossible. I might hate you for that, but it's the truth.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
happy thoughts indeed
You Belong in LondonA little old fashioned, and a little modern.A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock. A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything. No wonder you and London will get along so well. What City Do You Belong in? Take This Quiz :-) |
I'm really excited, I found out that I'll be heading to England in early March. I've never been, so this should be awesome. Any places I MUST see? I was hoping to get down to Stratford and see a play, then a little bit of the English countryside. Being the nerd that I am, I'll want to go see an estate where they filmed Jane Austen films. I think I will then proceed to go insane with joy.
Sondra: Oh My God! Ohmygod! It's Pemberley, Mom! PEMBERLEY!!!
*frolics around Lyme Park*
Mom: *turns to other tourists* That's not my daughter...
Heh. I can't wait.
Until Later,
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
It was beautiful.
In a sure-you-have-a-girlfriend-dude-but-that-doesn't-stop-me-from-adoring-you-from-afar sort of way.
and I did not turn into a lobster!
(i told you i was getting better...)
He even has his own Radio Show on Sundays. Listen from 12-2 here. I haven't listened yet, but I totally will.
He was wearing an Ed Gein band t-shirt. The kid listens to angry music.
Mmmm. Ah well, his face makes up for it.
Until Later,
Friday, September 30, 2005
for those who know:
but besides that, today was pretty damn good.
i went to walmart.
and i bought light up flip flops and pulp fiction.
for $9! boo-ya!
Until Later,
Thursday, September 29, 2005
it's not just the demon barber of fleet street
...this is so wrong.
...all of a sudden i desperately want to go see a musical.
...perhaps worse... i want to perform in a musical.
...and one that doesn't involve psycho insane barbers who turns his customers into meat pies.
there must be something horribly wrong with me.
all those years...
hating andrew lloyd webber.
gone. just gone.
have all of these years hating cheesy songs and go-go boot dancing...
...just been a cover for my secret love of them?
the horror...
perhaps i'll just wake up and find that it's all just one big nightmare.
...yes, thats big nightmare...
Until Later,
p.s. anyone up for a little road trip on the 23rd of October to Buffalo? The Dresden Dolls are playing... should be lots of fun...
Monday, September 26, 2005
it's rainy
cigarettes and chocolate milk these are just a couple of my cravings everything it seems i like's a little bit stronger, a little bit thicker, a little bit harmful for me...
oh dearest college, every day you lower my health standards a bit more each day...
today I drank water out of a mug. i finished half of the water before i realized the mug had white spore thing-ys growing inside of it.
ah well.
until later,
Saturday, September 24, 2005
good start to a great weekend
It's amazing how much of boy related troubles can be solved with the following:
1. "electro-folk" performance at Terra Cotta coffee house by a decently talented guy who said he's going to "Get off the stage soon because he's probably boring everyone now."
2. Food/Coffee
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Discussions of Disney Movies, especially The Emperor's New Groove.
5. Seeing glass blowing in the art studio
6. One slightly awkward conversation where I say "Boys are so frustrating, it'd be so much easier if I were a lesbian."
7. One SNL "Hyper Hypo" skit with Mike Meyers and Nicole Kidman. (I think "You're the Devil!" will become a constant saying around here...)
7. Knitting
8. Moxy Fruvous
Anyway, I had a really fun time, and my roommate is fantastic. I found out she listen to The Clash like the first or second day, so I knew she had to be pretty cool. This weekend has just confirmed it indefinitely.
Until Later,
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I had read Carnet de Voyage... had picked it up in a French bookstore (where they're really big on graphic novels). I loved what I could read, and later picked up a copy in English and loved it more.
I was inspired to go back to reading Thompson's works when Meg sent me this. Salamander Dream is good, and reminded me of why I love graphic novels or whatever they're called.
Blankets makes me happy to be human. Although his story is sad, especially at first, I didn't feel that way at all when I finished. It's so intensely beautiful, every page just as wonderful as the next.
Everyone should read it, and I think I'm gonna read it again tonight.
Craig Thompson has this special abillity... to draw/write things that connect with all human beings. There's something so universal. All sorts of different feelings we all know and experience. Opressive parents. Questioning thoughts. Love in all of it's many forms. Realizations. Growing up. We can relate to these all, sometimes I almost felt like he was writing more about my own life and feelings than his own.
God, it was a good book. I think I'm gonna start enjoying simple pleasures in life more. Books. Tea. Knitting. Silence.
I feel like I've been spending wayy too much time with computers lately, I need to start getting away from that. They can suck out your soooouuuuulllll!
I suppose I should eat now, all of that reading made me forget about food. However, the last thing I want right now is to wait in long lines for bad food. Hm.
Oh yes, and what is this about a paper due Friday? And French test tomorrow? Other writing paper due next wednesday? Might want to start on that as well.
Ha! That just made me think of something I heard the first day of college... "Do you guys really know what you're getting yourselves into? Four years of papers, tests, exams? " i didn't.
Until Later,
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
leave it to lloyd dobler
Growing up as I did in the Midwest, I was completely unaccustomed to coastal fashion when I arrived in South Bend. After three years, though, I'm starting to notice a few trends on campus that I just don't get to see at home. Perhaps the most interesting of these is also the most irritating - the popped collar.
I just don't get it. Why do people do this to their shirts? Maybe they're blocking their necks from the sun, wind and rain. Maybe they're cold. Maybe they're hiding hickeys. Maybe I'm the only one who is missing out.
Thinking back, I should have seen it coming. Fashion trends recycle, right? And in the 1800s, fashionable men starched their collars in order to wear the cravats that served as ties. The collar's points framed their faces.
This fad simply never faded away on the East Coast, where prep-school etiquette required that young men sport starched collars even on the weekends. It also appeared on the West Coast in the early 90s when hip-hop artists like MC Hammer told us to "pop ya collar."
The popped collar is obviously a craze of the past. Why, then, is the J. Crew U. look so prevalent here, now?
Fellow Observer staffer Kelly Meehan and I tried out the popped collar and asked our fellow students what they thought about it. While most agreed that it was fashionable, many said that the majority of collar-poppers are merely imitating those who have the right to pop. And when questioned, the general consensus was that this group consisted of upper-crust East Coasters who have been popping their whole lives.
I won't go so far as to say that the only people who should wear the popped collar are preppy or wealthy. I don't necessarily believe that. Some of the coolest people in entertainment history flipped up their collars - think John Lennon, Lloyd Dobler in "Say Anything," Elvis, the Fonz, Michael Jackson in the "Bad" era, and even Alex P. Keaton. These were men who bravely popped where no men had popped before. They were the truly cool fashion trendsetters among the masses.
But if you think about it, the stiff collar has been sported by many who should have avoided it. Dracula, for one, is a prime example. Star Trek characters, the Bride of Frankenstein, even dogs who have had surgery all get a chance to flip their collars.
My point to you is this: The more liberal American style seems to get, the more and more the trendy attempt to reach back to steal fashions from the past. You cannot reinvent something as classic as the polo shirt, nor is it always appropriate to try. How you dress should be a reflection of who you really are. Don't let a fashion trend designate how you present yourself to the world. And most importantly, pop your collar responsibly.
-writen by nicole zook of the observer-

---> Quoi? This model thinks he is hot, but he is just creepy. Awesome pants though.

Say Anything is a cinematic classic in which Lloyd Dobler can pop his collar. However, if Cusack was to pop his collar today, it would just look stupid.<---
Until Later,
dreidles, yarn and happiness
Oh yes, and I'm possibly turning to Judaism? Dinner time is a good time for learning about dreidles.
I've already gotten the kosher thing down. Been kosher for 2 years!
Ooh, and I totally joined the campus Stitch n' Bitch! What now?!
I am working on gloves. They are beautiful. Unfortunately, the yarn is all tangled, and I've already spent 3 hours trying to untangle it but there's still more work to be done.
La La La, it is late.
Until Later,
Sunday, September 18, 2005
like newborn shrimps
Belly buttons are kissing. This is the art of dying. Four cups of coffee in the morning while she plays piano naked. is not my fault that song got stuck in my head all weekend!
a billion things searing through my brain:
#740- should i cry?
#8945- am i over-reacting?
#23458-do i not react enough?
#9844353- what did he do?
#546- what is going through his head?
#345- am i doomed to repeat these mistakes (if i made them)?
#12- do i move on?
#892- how long will things be like this?
fuckfuckfuck. i think i might stay home tonight. school/knitting/shower sounds good now.
i was doing so well... i had forgotten until now.
Until Later,
Saturday, September 17, 2005
same imaginary place
I thought I'd return and things would feel normal, but I've realized how much Alfred has become home already. Woah. Garden State moment...
You'll see when you move out it just sort of happens one day one day and it's just gone. And you can never get it back. It's like you get homesick for a place that doesn't exist. I mean it's like this rite of passage, you know. You won't have this feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, you know, for you kids, for the family you start, it's like a cycle or something. I miss the idea of it. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place...
I haven't had a chance to see anyone yet except parental units that keep on exclaiming "My baby is back!!!". Tomorrow I go for breakfast with Nicole, then I need to call up Meg, Jessie, Margaret and Ryan and find out what the deal is. I'm afraid you won't be able to escape me visiting. Buahah! Quick Bob, get the kids in the minivan!
Until Later,
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
It's true!
p.s. coffee + free time = good times
Happy Girl
I finally moved into my new dorm room with my new roommate (My old roommate left school because she was unhappy here). So far so good! She knits, watches Amelie and is obsessed with Gilmore Girls too! Most importantly, she doesn't bitch about how much she hates things here! YAY!
Moving was really fun. I expected it to be alot of trudging around and cleaning up my messy room. It was that, but lots of people chipped in and made things awesome. I kept my door open, even after I had finished moving. We're not technically supposed to keep our doors open for long periods of time (being a fire harzard or something), but it's amazing how many people just come by and start talking to you. One girl came in after seeing my Guster poster and she started talking about how she got to meet them once. I need to keep on reminding myself that people are fun and pleasant things to be around.
Then we watched the season premier of Gilmore Girls. What was with that sweater with excesive amounts of bows on it?! That show is so addicting. Sometimes I'll be so dissatisfied with an episode that I will vow to never watch it again... but come Tuesday at 8:00 I'm on the couch in front of the TV with everyone else.
Anyway. This roommate thing will be good for me.
Now to do some last minute 1 AM homework! However, I don't regret putting it off until later AT ALL. At the moment, enjoying new friends is much more important.
Until Later,
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
50th post
I guess that's special enough to say something, but not really.
I give you five random thoughts of the day...
::Random Thought One::
Our dear friend Roger/Patrick is a dirty emo kid. He got his lip pierced. This is terrible news.
It doesn't even look very nice on him. Some boys it kinda does, but not him. The lip ring is too shiny. It just looks like he was eating tin foil and there is still a little left over on his mouth.
Who gets a shiny lip ring?! Seriously!
Ah well, his face makes up for the unfortunate piercing.
And dude, he's able to wear boxers underneath girl pants! What's with that?
i have been reading too many 'dinosaur comics' lately. you can tell with all of the "seriously!"'s and "what's with that?"'s.
::Random Thought Two::
I do not believe muffins will ever be replaced. He simply just has it all- brains, good looks, sense of humor...
...that and he has been built up in all our minds as The Boy Deity.
Now I really actually want to get the word "Muffins" trademarked for real... except that it is impossible. Besides it just being stupid to go to all of that trouble, you can't trademark common everyday words like that. But we shall know the word is ours.
::Random Thought Three::
In other news, I believe today might be moving day! I am finally moving to a different room, a room that does not swallow people up with loneliness (I am the second person that I know of for it to do so). My future roommate seems really cool and I think we shall get along. She has the film Amelie anyway, so she can't be all bad. Plus she watches Gilmore Girls, and hopefully we will watch the season premier tonight. It is a silly show, but I am a silly girl (sometimes).
Plus, it is the TV equivelent of a crack addiction.
Anyway, it will be good to be around people again.
::Random Thought Four and a half::
I think I need to get back to reading Anna Karenina. I had stopped a few days ago, but I think it's definitely worth reading.
And I really do need to read some Sylvia Plath soon...
Oh, and has anyone ever seen the Baz Luhrman's Strictly Ballroom? I think I remember someone talking about that... probably Margaret. Margaret, (or anyone else who has seen it) did you like that movie? It is at our library and I am debating whether I should rent it or not.
The Royal Tenebaums is a GREAT movie. Go rent it. It's fantastic. I now have a girl crush on Gweneth Paltrow. I think I will watch it again today.
::Random Thought Five::
Franckhauser is a kickass last name.
I am coming home this weekend, so all prepare for visiting!
Until Later,
Monday, September 12, 2005
A song a friend gave me made me feel better. It was so horrible I just had to smile.
I think dinner sounds nice now. Then sleep. Then tomorrow.
Hopefully I should be getting a new roommate soon. I think that will help. I won't have a scary dorm room any more.
Until Later,
it's been nice knowing you
i just realized that sticky chocolate ice cream cones and pirates was our last goodbye...
...i cherish that bit of irony right before in the library.
even though it hurts, i can still appreciated life's strange sense of humor.
goddamnit today sucked...
time for bed, music and heating pads but no tears.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Slightly Bitter And Homesick
I'm sitting in my dorm, slowly sipping an excessively large cup of coffee, trying not to burn my toungue. If I were not hopelessly addicted to coffee, I would be discusted at what American have the nerve to call a 'medium'.
Etas-Unis. Pah. D'accord, Je vais manger croissants et boire vin rouge en paix parce-que les autres sont stupide.
I'm playing "Dry The Rain" by The Beta Band. Christ, I love this song.
My lights are turned off. I've been in my room for hours, it's only just occured to me to turn on room lights.
I'm feeling a bit homesick, regreting that I decided not to come home to go to my cousin's wedding. I have a paper to write, but it will only take me a couple of hours to finish. The rest is an empty whole of boredom. I know if I decided to go to the wedding, the paper would never get done. I wouldn't even be home. I wouldn't get to see friends. I wouldn't even know anyone at the wedding except for a few family members. I'd probably kick myself for going, but fuck I'm homesick.
Things here aren't even that bad. I just miss home.
Everyone seems to be gone. There will be things to go to at night, movies, dance performances and school clubs. But the afternoon is dead.
If I had a super power, it wouldn't be anything of use.
It would be terribly selfish in fact.
Forget x-ray vision or flight.
I would have the power to change the weather according to my mood.
Sunny days are so shallow.
Brooding must be inflicted on it.
It doesn't realize how stupid it looks.
All sunny and bright, who the fuck does it think it is?
Deep wounds bleeding grey clouds on a blue sky.
Veins of lightning, veils of rain.
Washing away the heat of the sun.
The skys would growl doom.
People running, cowering under sheets of newspapers.
Mud sucking at shoes, leaves shivering with fear.
In my mind the image is fantastic.
Beautiful in a sort of way.
Yet reality is all annoyingly indifferent.
My moods do not control the weather.
But they should.
The blue just smiles and tells me there is no point in this.
That life goes on without me, so shut the fuck up.
My moods do not control the weather.
But they should.
Until Later,
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Here lies David St. Hubbins... and why not?
Two days ago I saw Waiting For Guffman, today Best In Show.
I was kinda disapointed with Best in Show, I had heard it was really funny. It was, but I liked Waiting For Guffman a little bit better.
I desperately need to get Mom to send my copy of This Is Spinal Tap to me, and I'd like to watch A Mighty Wind again.
I don't know why, all of a sudden I desperately need to see all of his movies. Perhaps I just associate them with home or something.
And what's with this? Christopher Guest in The Princess Bride? Whaaah?
Until Later,
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Getting Better All The Time
I'm really enjoying my Ethics class now. Things are seriously looking like a philosophy major at this point. Then, because you can't do anything with a philosophy major, on the more school. Law school? Who knows...
I just finished reading a chapter on Cultural Relativism. It's really interesting. Basically, Moral Relativism says that morals change from culture to culture, that there really is no unifying 'moral code'. It's easy to blow off, but there's alot to be taken in consideration. It gave examples or different cultures, and how some will perform such things such as infantcide in ancient Eskimo culture. It's a horrifying concept to most western civilization, but there are lots of things to consider. The infantcide isn't being done by Eskimo's because they hate babies, it's done because when you yourself can barely get by, there's no way you could possibly provide for ten children. It's a matter of survival, not lack of morals. Just because the Eskimos were not able to keep their children around, does not mean that they loved them any less than any other person.
It's interesting to think of though. If a person in a diffferent culture does something that is normally accepted otherwise, but not accepted in other places, is it still wrong?
Cultural Relativism is a very complex issue, you can't really be all for it or all against it. It's hard to compare cultures. Sometimes it's difficult to know when something should be an accepted part of culture, and when things have become immoral. Perhaps there is merit in Eskimos disposing of individuals where there is no way to care for them, resulting in only a long drawn out death that damages the community as well. But one must be careful where the line is drawn. Sometimes things can be a slipery slope, that same argument can be used to promote very immoral things such as genecide.
This is not to say that there is no right or wrong, because I believe there is. There are many ideas of right and wrong that are shared by most all cultures. Most are simply just general rules that allow society to continue. If you kill everyone, you're not going to be able to continue your society.
Ethics is such a great class, it really makes you think and question yourself. There is right and wrong, but you simply can't make general statements. You cannot simply say things like "Abortion is right/wrong" There are always acceptions to the rule. The idea is to look at the individual issues, and find what best serves that individual case.
Hm, let's hope I get some interesting comments on this one!
Until Later,
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I Hate You
After spending three hours trying to cheer my roommate up with movies and cookie dough ice cream, she gets on the phone and starts bitching about her life.
So now I will try and drown her whining out with Roman Holiday.
Audrey Hepburn can outclass that girl anyday. Blindfolded...On a bed of hot coals...Surounded with man-eating sharks...And spinach in her teeth.
I do not like being evil... but I can't help but fantasizing a trotsky-esque demise.
Until Later,
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Love it!
Everything is amazing... except for the food. I had a strawberry that was crispy yesterday. That was not pleasant.
Everything else is going wonderfully. My room is all set up, and my roommate seems really cool. I still need to fix my schedule though... I'm only techically signed up for one class so far. Gotta fix that.
When I get more of a chance I'll blog later.
Until Later,
Monday, August 22, 2005
I Heart Lists
Let's see if I'm finished packing for school.
Computer? Check!
Sheets and Comforter? Check!
Practically every single article of clothing I own? Check!
Posters? Check, but totally looking for more on break or ordering some online.
CD's? Check! No! Not Check! Fuck, lost my CD player... well, I guess it's as good of time as any to start saving up for an iPod.
Phone? Check!
Alarm Clock? Check!
Makeup? Check!
Knitting? Check!
Books? Check!
Movies? Check!
Mug? Check!
Mini Fridge/Microwave? Check!
Pictures? Check, but gotta get senior pics from Meg and Jessie later.
Laundry Detergent? Check!
Okay, is that all? Yeah? Oh wait! School supplies!
Silly me.
Until Later,
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Friday, August 19, 2005
Campers In The Mist
It was okay, but my Dad and I fought the whole time and my family just sat around most of the time. We did however, go up to Watkins Glen and I took some really great photographs. I think I'm gonna print them in black and white... they'll turn out awesome. Hopefully I'll be able to get a few blown up bigger so I can post them in my dorm room. I'll post them here when I finish.
I have adelightful camping story for all of you. I didn't get to hike as much as I wanted, but I found observing otheres is just as enjoyable.
I present to all: Campers in the Mist!
Boy, age aproximately 16, is camping with his family in the site next to us. Mostly Boy enjoys badgering Little Sister or honking horn of Mother's truck obnoxiously.
One day, Boy becomes particularly bored, so decides to start tossing hat up in the air. This is going well. Boy moves under a tree, and see's how far he can toss the hat up into the tree. This is going even better. After about two tosses, the invevitable happens- the hat gets stuck in the tree. Boy seems genuinely surprised that the hat would get stuck up in the tree, and declares loudly- "Aw, shit!". Boy needs his hat back.
So Boy, being as creative as he is, decides to take off a flip flop to nock the hat out of the tree. This does not last long. The flip flop gets caught right away. Boy lets out another highly original "Aw, shit!". Boy repeats this with (get this) the other flip flop! Ah HA!
Boy apparently has more tricks up his sleeve than I originally thought! But oh no! Could it get worse? The second flip flop gets stuck! Cruel, cruel world! "Aw, shit!" is his sound of dispair. Now Boy is really thinking. He disapears for a second, and then comes out with a basket ball! Boy tosses up basket ball into the tree, is momentarily stuck- I bite my lip to keep from bursting into laughter- but alas, the Camping gods smiled upon Boy and the basket ball fell out of the tree. Three more tries, and both flip flops and hat are safely out of the tree... and the basket ball falls into the ashes were from last night's camp fire. "Aw, shit!"
It's comforting to know this boy will some day be our next senator...
Other Boy, possibly brother or cousin of Boy, is also a mine field of joys. One day, Other Boy sneaks a beer. "Woah!" Other Boy exclaims, "This was made in Canada!". Other Boy tells this to Boy, both are thrilled. Canada. Woah. Other Boy starts humming national anthem of Canada. Only gets through first line. "Oh Canada, my home and native land...". Other Boy can't think of what comes next, but is delighted to start whisteling the first line over and over and over again. After about 5 minutes of this, and making good progress through beer, Other Boy turns to Boy and says "Woah. What's our song?"
Both are stumped.
Forget nature, why would you want to watch deer run through fields when you can be constantly amazed by the wonders of the human mind?
I love this country.
And it's good to be back.
Until Later,
Saturday, August 13, 2005
If thats the case, then I must have loads of it by now.
This sucks because it means now I'm not sure if I'll be able to see everyone before I leave. I'm gonna try to anyway. Don't be afraid to call me up... I'm really not trying to ignore anyone here, I've just got so much stuff to do before I leave. I don't want to forget anyone, but if I (very regrettably) do, you officially become the first person on my list of people to hang out with when I come home.
I think I'm going to go pack and then try to find a good book for the road... perhaps The House Of The Spirits by Isabel Allende? It was recomended to me by Nick, and I've read good reviews so far...
Until Later,
Friday, August 12, 2005
Hot Damn!
I have writers block!
Creativity is taking a holiday. It's thinking yachting around Sweden looks quite nice. Perhaps traveling around Italy on a Vespa?
Needless to say, it shan't be looking to come back soon.
If I'm lucky, it will bring me back one of those "My creativity went yachting in Sweden, and all I got was this crappy t-shirt" t-shirts.
blah. I feel brain dead.
Until Later,
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Baby, Baby get me a spoooooon,
These ovaries I’m digging out soooooon.
Every month I go insa-ane,
Don’t get too close or I’ll kick and maim.
Gone through a whole box of Midol,
And chocolate bars are my idol.
Baby, Baby get me a spoooooon,
These ovaries I’m digging out soooooon.
And... I guess I should get this done sometime so here I go:
Tagged by the unprecedented Meg
List five songs that you are currently digging... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're no good but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the five songs in your blog. Then tag five other people to see what they're listening to.
1. "DJ"- (swedish) Death Polka
2. "Palin' With Al"- The Squirrel Nut Zippers
3. "Elle Aime"- Albin de la Simone and feist
4. "Coin Operated Boy"- The Dresden Dolls
5. "Ode To Divorce"- Regina Spektor
Tag: This tag stops here! Go ahead if you like, but I'm not going to bother tagging anyone else.
Ow... I am off to the store to pick up some ice cream. Ben and Jerry will keep me company as I spend the rest of the day in my ducky pajama pants and watch Lawrence of Arabia.
I have a plan to waste the entire day and it is a lovely one.
Until Later,
Monday, August 08, 2005
15 Days
I've been e-mailing my roommate for a while now and she seems very nice. I can't wait to meet her. I'm not too worried that we won't get along, I tend to get along with most people. However, it's gonna be strange to have to share a room with someone.
It's such a strange situation, being put in the same room as someone you don't know and have to live with them. I would think you would get to know all of their quirks pretty quickly. What if she has terribly deep dark secrets? What if she finds out mine? How will I keep the fact that I turn from magical fairy princess back into simple scullery maid at midnight a secret?
'tis a conundrum, indeed.
I can't wait to finally get this part of my life started though. It's a fresh new start which means I can start trying to act even more like the person I want to be. Actually start to be motivated and care about school is at the top. Become more outgoing secondly, not be as self-conscious, and I want to make all sorts of interesting friends. Maybe I'll even make friends with a gorgeous boy. It might take some time to actually convince Meg and Jessie he exsists and that I can actually talk to him...and I didn't pay him to talk to me...but it would be totally worth it. And he would be gorgeous! Joy!
I desperately don't want to chicken out of starting a-new. I just need to realize that everyone feels the same way I do.
Public Service Annoucement:
If anyone happens to have a car that they wouldn't mind lending to Meg and Sondra (two strange yet loveable teen-aged girls) to take down to Brooklyn for a Beck and Belle and Sebastian concert, and wouldn't mind us putting a little more than 600 miles (actually 780 miles if Meg wants to meet me at school and get home anytime soon after) on it in two days, with the slight to quite likely possibility that it would be wrecked because of our lack of sleep and food on October 3rd, that would be lovely. And give us each like $200. Complimentary "Offical Belle and Sebastian Air Freshener" included as thank you gift. Smells like band after concert.
Fuck. I hate it when dream concerts are impossible.
I am going to go glower at Glasgow.
How's that for fucking alliteration?
Until Later,
Friday, August 05, 2005
Let the tagging begin!
1. Ten years ago – Wow, that’s hardly a fair question. I was eight. I do not remember much about being eight. I was probably running around playgrounds and scaring boys. Getting vaccinated from cooties. Playing with Barbie. Barbie running off with the pool boy (aka Batman) in her pink porche and not telling Ken. Poor Ken.
2. Five years ago – Not a happy year for me. I wouldn’t trade being thirteen again for anything. I started Middle School, which I absolutely hated. I spent a week in the hospital in which I recieved unnecessary surgery, two pints of blood and two bruises the size of baseball on each hand because of all of the IVs. Not a happy time. It's making me sound like i'm an invalid or something, but really I'm actually pretty healthy. Now is good so no worries.
3. One year ago – About to enter my High School senior year, and very stressed about applying to schools.
4. Yesterday – Lolled. (I am getting quite good at lolling, perhaps I should look into it as a serious sport. I would win gold medals.)
5. Today – Woke up. Ate breakfast. Brushed teeth with joy. E-mail. Posted this.
6. Tomorrow – Spending time with family, it being my Grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary.
7. Five snacks I enjoy – Mmm. Hummus. I am a hummus addict. I love fruit, especially bananas. Strange but true fact: I open bananas from the bottom. It actually makes sense, it’s weaker there because it’s not the end that it is held from on the tree. Hey, monkeys do it, why can’t I? It may not count as a snack, but I love spanikopita. If I could marry spanikopita, I would. Anything chocolate. Bread. I love bread.
8. Five bands (or singers??) I know the lyrics of most of their songs – The Beatles. Barenaked Ladies (yes, I know…I could even add Moxy Fruvous from years of yonder, but I won’t). Cake. Sondre Lerche. Belle and Sebastian.
9. Five things I would do with $100,000,000 – I would never need to work a day in my life. I would just retire (from my already stressful life of lolling). And If I wanted to further my education just for the heck of it, I could just buy my way into Yale…hey, Dubya did it! I would probably end up using the money to travel all over the world. That and I would have to do something totally useless with the money, like use it to make the world’s largest falafel. Perhaps become a conceptual artist. Yes, that's what I would do. After that, I would probably hate myself for being a rich fat cat/bourgeoisie square and try to do something good with the money.
10. Five locations I’d like to run away to – Paris would be lovely again, I’ve always wanted to go to Prague for some reason, London sans the terrorist attacks, The Alps, China.
11. Five Bad Habits – I am super lazy. I have even gotten to the point where I have put clothes on my bed so in the morning I don’t have to get out of bed for the longest amount of time possible. I tend to interrupt people. I tend to be a know-it-all. I hate admitting that I’m wrong and never do it as much as I should. I hate answering the phone and rarely do.
12. Five things I like doing – enjoying art in it's many forms (e.g. music, paintings, sculpture, movies, poetry, good webcomics count?), being with friends, watching cheesy sci-fi movies, blogging, knitting.
13. Five T.V. shows I like – I think that Arrested Development is one of the funniest shows on television ever. I also like The West Wing because I like living in a pretend world where our president is Jed Bartlett. Family Guy is good. Gilmore Girls is beyond addiction. I watch that show obsessively, and that's sad. I watch The OC once and a while, but it’s only because of Adam Brody.
14. Famous People I’d like to meet – Does God count as a person? God would be pretty sweet to meet. Andy Warhol. Gloria Steinem. Jane Austen. Michael Ondaatje. Wayne Coyne. Jackson Pollack. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.. Salvador Dali. Karl Marx. Pablo Picasso. Adam Brody (but for a bit more libidinous reason). Dorothy Gambrell. William F. Buckley (endearingly called fuhbuckley by myself). Leon Trotsky (sans ice pick in head). So many people, the list could go on forever...that wasn't supposed to be five, right?
15. Biggest joys at the moment – Apricot Toothpaste, Morning, Summer break, Boys, Breakfast, E-mail, Snuggling blankets, Friends, Being me.
16. Favorite toys – Heh. I love my digital camera. Sadly, I am not sure if I can bring it to school, so my blog may be picture free for a long while. I like my CD player, but I wish I had an iPod. I do not have much of toys per say, but I do love my blog, if that is a toy. Is knitting a toy?
17. Five people to tag – I don’t know how many people will actually go and do the tag, but Meg’s should be interesting. Jessie should be tagged also. James and Tambo also. I’m not sure how often she reads it, but I’d love to tag The Divine Ms. Em.
Until Later,
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Screw The Hippocratic Oath
"Are all those curls natural?" She asked.
"Pretty much, I just put a little mousse in my hair and let it air-dry."
"Wow, People pay lots of money to have hair like that. I'd kill to have curls like those."
I thought that was pretty funny, coming from a doctor.
"Yes, so I'm going to change your prescription to arsenic...and change the 36mg to 90mg...*YES, THE DAY IS MINE*"
I have no car today. I am bored out of my mind and feel slightly destructive. I am left to my own devices. This is a very dangerous thing.
Sondra: 1
Responisibility: 0
Until Later,
*danger lurks*
*Jaws theme plays*
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
I Did Nothing!
Days in which there is nothing to do are splendid.
Accomplishments of the day:
Woke up.
Ate cereal.
*Brushed teeth.
Lolled on lawn, looked up at sky.
Painted my nails with 'long lasting' red nail polish.
Slurped tomato soup.
*Brushed teeth.
Talked to Tim.
Hadn't talked to Tim in year(s).
Was told something that just re-affirmed my belief that it's not just me.
Felt good about it.
Cursed not so long lasting 'long lasting' red nail polish.
Wished I hadn't spent the extra two dollars.
Ate hummus and pita bread.
Danced because it was delicious.
*Warning: Tom's of Maine natural toothpaste in apricot is very addicting. Tastes only slightly of apricot, but no toothpaste-ish aftertaste. May result in comments such as- "Oh Boy! I get to brush my teeth now!" and "Yes! My teeth need brushing!". Excessive brushing may include side effects of happiness, healthy teeth and dazzling smile.
Until Later,
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Tin Box
Things from all over the world, things from all sorts of different people. Things that have no value at all to others, but hold infinite value to me.
All in this little tin box.
I need a bigger little tin box.
It holds things like this:
Wrapping paper from birthdays, postcards, practice love letters, notes, photos, dinosaurs, pins and balloons to name a few.
This note made me laugh out loud:
(outside of note) Hello! My name is: NOTE
This book was at once true, hillarious and positively deck. I thank you for sharing it's wonderfulness with me, you crazy tassel. I especially love the crazy words. I can actually speak the language. It is too bad I can't except to you, 'hipspeak' buddy. Oh! And...I have no attention span. (In case you have not noticed) I also have a solution to us not having a class together: we should make our own subject, get someone cool to teach, like no one. Then invite all the deck cronkites to drop Math and join us.
(side drawing) Choosing a look: Sondravich stick figure: Is this style Deck or Fin?
(Answer: This style is deck.)
I must go because my leg has decided to take a nap; it was up all night partying.
Much Love,
I couldn't believe I had kept that for all those years. I'm glad I did.
I love mail.
I shall go buy a bunch of stamps and colorful pens and start writing and sending letters.
Until Later,
p.s. today kate and i got lost in webster park for two hours. who knew it was so big?
Monday, August 01, 2005
My Face Hurts
I am back from camping, and I have survived more or less.
A bit sunburned, which is totally ridiculous because I used SPF 60 all week. I swear, the sun is out to get me.
"What's this? An extremely pale girl who looks terrible with a tan? She thinks she can stop me with truckfulls of sunscreen?! BUAHAH! Have a taste of my UV rays!!! SKIN CANCER-ED!!!"
Despite the sunburn, I generally enjoy camping. The whole going with Parental Units was a definite drawback, but meh, what can ya do?
My favorite part of camping is hiking. I love hiking, which is strange because I hate most types of formal exercise. I love hiking up steep hills in the middle of a shady forest and getting lost in my thoughts. Sometimes I feel like it's one of the few times I can really ponder. All sorts of thoughts, lovely and horrible, beautiful and ugly, deep and shallow thoughts.
I finished "Life of Pi" while camping, so I was able to think alot about that. I loved the book. Pi Patel. Richard Parker. I loved it all.
I wondered why I keep things about myself a secret for so long. I'm not sure why I do that. Perhaps it's simply that things don't come up in conversation, but It's probably a bit more than that. A friend asked me a question about my appendix scar a little while ago. I realized that I had known her for a year, the other friend for two years, and I had never talked about it.
There are so many things that are in our past that are part of who we are. So much past that it's almost an impossible task to try and explain it all to our current friends. It's not like we walk up to people and say "Hi, my name is Sondra, let me tell you why I hate the taste of marshmallows...", but I wonder, after two years, that maybe I'm also hiding part of myself.
I could start explaining things now, but I need to leave that for an entire entry, not just part. For a good rainy day.
I thought about university, and all the lovely people I hope to meet there.
I thought about love and what it means to me.
I thought about the idea of living in the early 1900's, and how it would be funny to be considered the 'super-model' of the time, being pale, aerodynamically curvaceous, small waisted and short-ish. Then I remembered girdles and the total lack of women's rights, general ignorance of modern day medicine and decided against building a time machine.
I thought about how beautiful nature is, and wondered if aliens landed on earth today, would they think nature was beautiful too?
I'm so glad to be back at home.
I'm going to put something on my sunburn and take a nap.
Until Later,
Friday, July 29, 2005
Bastard Love Child
Realization when driving around town with Jessie and Meg last night:
My hair is the bastard love child of the two.
Shorter than Jessie's, but longer than Meg's.
Redder than Jessie's, but blonder than Meg's.
Not as curly as Jessie's, but curlier than Meg's.
Don't ask me the genetics of the whole things... or how I could be older than both and still be their love child... perhaps an incident with a condom and a time machine?
My hair is sexy and it makes me feel like Ingrid Bergman.

"Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake."
And now I leave to go camping.
Until Later,
Thursday, July 28, 2005
I Pull An Elle Woods
I got to see John, who I hadn't seen in ages and got to hear all about Morocco. I lended him "Carnet De Voyage", and was thrilled to find that he recognized alot of the drawings in it.
I also had a really interesting conversation with Laura, my cousin Allan's fiancee. I'm not exactly sure what that would make her... cousin, right? Anyways...
She asked me about college and what I wanted to do. I really don't have much of a clue right now, so I just shrugged my shoulders and said that I was planning on taking a few liberal arts classes and see where it leads. I love humanities and philosphy, but that stuff isn't very practical or easy to find a job in. I was kinda leaning towards maybe something in Psychology, but it's just really a whim right now. I said that one time I took one of those 'career path' computer programs in high school, and was shocked to find out that my result was 'drug addictions councilor'. My friends were amused, but some also agreed that they find me easy to talk to. Regardless, I want to end up helping people.
"Have you ever thought about being a lawyer?" she asked.
"What?! Me? A lawyer? HaHA! No way! No! I mean, I could never do that, I'd go on this huge guilt trip every time I had to put someone in prison or worse, to death. No way. I don't even eat meat, how could I ever make something like that my job?!"
"Well, there are alot of other things you could do with a law degree. You could go into Family Law. You could help alot of people there. Maybe Immigration Law? Think about how much you could help people navigate the system there. And it's really not as impossible as so many people think. Sure it's hard, but so is everything else. And people will always need lawyers. I have a friend who is a lawyer, and it's certainly not hard to be able to find work."
"I don't know. I've never thought of myself as a future lawyer. I'm not competetive at all, I'm not really hard nosed or anything, or malicious, or especially driven by money."
"But think about it, you could change all of those sterotypes and help so much people. Doctors are the same way. I hated alot of the pre-med people I went to school with. They were snobby book types. So many doctors are not the type of doctors you want to be dealing with. If I spend 10 minutes with people in the E.R., trying to help them out and find their way, they're so surprised and grateful. It's the only way you can change how doctors are, to act like how a doctor should act."
So now I'm playing with the idea. I'm not saying I'll be enrolling in a Pre-law school now, but it's something to consider. I've always sort of felt that I could do well at alot of things, it was just a matter of finding something. Law is definitely something. It applys to most issues I'm passionate about, and I could help so many people. I'll keep in the back of my mind for a year, and see how I feel about it then. Not something to be really flakey about.
I wouldn't be too thrilled at the idea of working in a traditional office all of the time, but perhaps it would also be quite possible to work for enviromental or feminist groups which would provide a much more modern/laid back atmosphere.
Ah, the inner hippie comes out. I could write poems after my victory of saving wetlands.
Ahem. "Nobody sits like this rock sits. You rock, rock. The rock just sits and is. You show us how to just sit here and that's what we need." (if you don't know where thats from, go rent i heart huckabees NOW!)
The thing that surprised me the most was when I brought it up to my Dad later that night. He actually took it as something plausible. He almost never does that. Never. Normally he'll say something like- "Well, you'd need better grades for that" or just kind of smile in a way that I find infinitely annoying, as if to say 'how cute, you say you want to be an astronaut?'
I just thought it was that he had a bit too much wine (which is still possible), but when I brought it up to my Mom at breakfast, she seemed to agree with it too. Given, that's like the greatest thing you could tell your parents.
"Mom, Dad, I want to go pre-law." It goes over much easier than "Mom, Dad, I want to be a conceptual artist." Unless, of course, your parents are conceptual artists themselves.
Joseph Bueys probably wouldn't be thrilled by the idea of a child of his decided to go off to law school. "What do you mean, pre-law?! Why can't you just be normal and display upside down urinals at art galleries?!"
But it was nice to catch their attention. I just need to give this some time and think about it.
"Hey, you could even go into Medical Law! Help doctors out when their sewed for mal-practice? Huh? What do you think?"
Now I see where her true intentions lie. Sneaky, that Laura.
Until Later,
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
New Haircut!
So yeah. I looked like this this morning:
Even though I may be a hippie at heart, I don't really want to look like one!
And then, you ask?
I had the most amazing hairdresser. His name was David. Totally flaming and hillarious.
As he was washing my hair he asked:
David: "So, are you working for the summer?"
Me: "Uh, well I was, but then I lost it."
David: "Did you get fired?"
Me: "No, I just got laid off."
David: "Did you show up to work drunk?"
Me: "No..."
David: "Haha! I used to get fired for that ALL the time! But I don't do that any more. Don't worry, I'm not drunk now. Ha HA! Only sometimes. I only drink when I'm thirsty."
He was hillarious, but I have to admit, I wasn't quite sure if I trusted him completely with my hair after that.
But he did an AMAZING JOB!!!
Check it Oouuuut!
Bellisimo! Muah!
Now if you excuse me, I have some serious dancing for joy to get back to.
Until Later,
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Eram, Erat, Eras
Needless to say, I was not too happy about waking up this morning. I am still not in a good mood. Blah F-ing morning.
Coffee. One moment. Blah.
Nick's post today reminded me of the Latin class I took back in high school. I don't remember much, a few declensions, nouns, a verb or two thats pretty much it. It was a great class though, and we even had a toga party in bed sheets. The thing I do remember the most though was being amused by the sentances we had to translate.
Now, French is a different world. The two languages share alot, but the things you learn in French are much more practical. French is still a language very much alive and used all the time. The thing with Latin is because it is a dead language, the vocabulary is very much dated.
In French the first sentances you start to learn are practical things. e.g. "OĂ¹ est l'Ă©cole?"(Where is the school) and other things. But with French you keep on learning other words, words related to the modern world. "Ordinateur"(computer)and "Voiture"(car).
But thats not the case with Latin, unless you want to take the neo-latin approach and make up words for modern day things.
In Latin class, our first sentances were "agricolae in via" (The farmers are in the road)...I think thats it, anyways.
The funny thing is, as the class progressed, the sentances from our books had a tendancy to get increasingly violent due to lack of vocabulary.
The farmer in the road turned to sentances like- "The Romans invaded Gaul", "The soldiers captured the women" and (the all time favorite violent latin phrase) "The soldiers used swords on the slaves".
I am totally not making up any of those sentances. We had to translate them all. Just don't ask me to translate them now... I'd fail miserably.
Added Later: Okay, I can do better than this. I've been Miss Bitchy Pants lately. I'm not exactly sure why I've been acting like this. I normally only pull this card when provoked, but for some reason It seems as if I've been snapping at everyone. It needs to stop.
I went for a walk and I talked to an adorable little boy named Michael who was five. It made me feel a little better, and I'll be trying harder.
My posts also haven't been up to par since the "Love Your Tree" post, and I'm sorry, so I'm going to be making extra effort in the next few. Tomorrow I FINALLY get my hair cut, so that should give me at least something to work with.
If you're sick of the 'hair posts' (I am, at least), something with lots of substance is comming soon. Hopefully.
But before any of my 'trying harder' is manifested in my blog, I need to take care of a few things on the home front.
Note: The "Beauty Truth" quote is from Alison's tattoo. Thanks Alison, It too made my day a little better.
Until Later,
Monday, July 25, 2005
Weird Dog
Perhaps there is something wrong with him, but he's always done it so I think he just likes to sneeze.
Preferably on me.
When he's happy about something he'll go into this sneeze fit. It's quite amusing.
Example: "Dog, time to go for a walk" *sneeze!* (dog runs around in circle) *sneeze!* "Sit!" *sneeze!*
I have a strange dog.
That, and I just like to write the word "Sneeze" alot.
Until Later,
Sunday, July 24, 2005
It's All In The Genes, Baby!

I guess it just goes to show that the crazy hair is in the genes.
Happy 50th Birthday, Dad! (even though he doesn't read my blog)
Today was lovely. I finally got to see my best friend's new appartment!!! It's very cool, and I hope things work out for her. What? Friends with their own place? Does this mean I'm growing up?
I got to hear all about the summer courses she's taking, and even got to help with an essay about "Lower Educational Standards in the South".
"Oh. I just figured out why there aren't any more dinosaurs. Noah couldn't fit them all on the arc."
Anyways, It was great seeing her. Sometimes I get introverted and forget that I have such awesome friends to hang out with, and end up shutting myself up in my room and listen to music/read/think.
Hey, I'm curled up inside my Fluffy Orange Comforter of Luuurve, incense going, jazzy French music in the back-ground and a great book- I tend to forget life exsists beyond my beloved hideaway.
On the plus side, I'm almost half way through "Life of Pi", and I absolutely love it so far. I can tell already this is going to be one of my all time favorite books.
India is described with such love and detail, I feel as if i've been there myself.
It reminds me of a similar author, Michael Ondaatje. He wrote The English Patient, but I'd recommend In the Skin of a Lion. Everything is described to the smallest detail in his books from a young boy studying moths, mapping lovers bodies, immigrant bakers and the Sahara.
"The grooves and the
corrugated sand resembles the hollow of the roof of a dog's mouth".
If I could only write like that. I like what this one woman says about one of Ondaatje's books.
"This is a book which should be read slowly and preferably aloud. In this highly recommended piece of literature we are taken on a sensual exploration of place and people. It is worth savoring the language which evokes the taste, touch, sight, sound and smell of the characters who are inextricably bound up with their own geographical and human journeys."
Whoever said books can't be sexy was dead wrong.
Until Later,
Friday, July 22, 2005
The Post About Nothing
It's also amazing what a little good light and the right angles can do for a girl, 'cause in real life I really look like this:
"No, no. That wasn't the one I said. This one means Kill Kirk... And also, hallelujah... Depending on the context."
Or not.
I don't think the quote from "House" is exactly fair. "House" is a show that I love to hate. Everything that Hugh Laurie's character (Wooster for those who know) says pisses me off to no end. He's emotionally cripled, sexist, narcissistic and just plain mean, but I find him facinating in a horrible sort of way. Anyways, what he's saying is that because a woman is beautiful, she is automatically exempt from having to develop any other desirable qualities by society. That if she really wanted to be something other than a doctor, she could have.
That's true to some degree, but normal people don't just become doctors because they're 'ugly' and smart. People become doctors because they want to help others, and has nothing to do with being pretty or ugly.
I've met several girls who have been like super-model gorgeous, but I also consider to be the smartest and most compassionate people I've met. Their own beauty means very little to them and devote themselves to helping others.
Do you follow? I can't tell if I'm making any sense. Blah.
The West Wing is also a good show. Both my dad and myself love to live in the pretend world that Jed Bartlett is president... and the upcoming election is between Jimmy Smit and Alan Alda. Can't go wrong there.
This blog entry is about nothing, and I have writer's block. I'll write again when I can find something to write about.
Until Later,
p.s. Bunnies re-inacting Rocky Horror Picture Show in 30 seconds and other films for those who care to see.
p.p.s. I'm going to finally start reading all the books I should be reading. Starting with Life of Pi, then moving on to Memoirs of a Geshia. I'd like to read something by Norman Mailer... more Vonnegut, then perhaps finish with Kerouac. I bet I won't get past Memoirs, but I like to think I will.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Love Your Tree
"You are sublimely, exactly how you need to be at this moment."
In an interview I once watched, Eve Ensler, a famous feminist and playwrite was explaining one of her adventures. She had been traveling all over the globe and was asking women if they loved their bodys. She was in Africa, sitting next to a woman in her sixties that very same question. Her response was this:
Woman: "Do I like my body? Do I like my body? My body. My body. I love my body. God made this body. God gave me this body. My body. My body. Oh goodness, I love my body. My fingers, look at my fingers. I love my fingernails, little crescent moons. My hands, my hands, the way they flutter in the air and fall, they lead right up to my armsso strongthey carry things alongI love my armsand my legs, my legs are long, so long, Masai people, we are tall, I get there fast!"
Eve: "Wait, I don't know how to do this. I want to feel like you. I want to love my body and stop hating my stomach."
Woman: "What's wrong with it?"
Eve: "It's round. It used to be flat."
Woman: "It's your stomach. Its meant to be seen. Eve, look at that tree? Do you see that tree? Now look at that tree. (Points to another tree) Do you like that tree? Do you hate that tree cause it doesn't look like that tree? Do you say that tree isn't pretty cause it doesn't look like that tree? We're all trees. You're a tree. I'm a tree. You've got to love your body, Eve. You've got to love your tree."
Eve went on to make a very good point. She said that in Afghanistan, it is forbidden for women to eat ice cream. Eating ice cream is apparently considered sexual, therefore women are not allowed to. However, they eat it anyways in secret ice cream eating places. It struck Eve as odd, because here, these woman are literally not allowed to eat ice cream, and yet they do. In America, woman all have the freedom to eat ice cream, but we don't anyways because our culture idolizes extremely thin women.
It makes me so sad that our culture is like this. It makes women feel so inferior, advertising a body image that is simply physically impossible. Tall, blonde, thin, large chested. It's exactly why the advertising is so successful- It's simply impossible to have.
Today, if you watch some television, you'll find now that platic surgery and botox are simply considered the norm for makeovers. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for someone improving self image. I'm not suggesting that we all go out and burn our bras. What our culture doesn't seem to realize though, is that women are risking major surgery and injecting poisons (literally what botox is) into themselves so they can look a bit more like the cover of a magazine. This is major stuff!
Models are freaks of nature!!!
I'm not exactly sure if I have a definite point to all of this. I'm not saying that I am completely happy with the way I look either. I wish I was graceful, I'd like to be taller, look slimmer, and that my hair was auburn and not so blonde it looks invisible at times. But I'm trying to work on accepting, and being happy with what God gave me. Trying to see that some of the things that aren't considered 'in' in our culture are the very same things that make me special. The bump on my nose, my short 'polish peasant' fingers and toes are all things combined to make one me.
Ta da!
And one thing that I'd have to say transends all of these things, things much sexier than long legs or big boobs- confidence. And thats something that we can all achieve.
Until Later,
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Sleeping In
I had a dream that I got a puppy. He was adorable. I put him in a large white bucket. His name was 'Coffee', but I wanted to change it. He looked exactly like my dog, but smaller. Then I drove him around in the car at night time.
I don't remember anything more than that.
Random thing: I'm not sure why, but theres something about large white t-shirts that make me happy. They make me think of gorgey boys.
Next year I get to visit England with my grandparents. I'm very excited about that. I need to start learning about Britain now, so I'll know what I want to see. I've been thinking alot about Europe in general lately. Perhaps it's Bush, Perhaps it's this whole nominating a new supreme court justice, or maybe it's still the war.
Great citys, new people, everything so close. I was re-reading "Carnet de Voyage" by Craig Thompson, when I read "I'm in Oregon, and my family is in Wisconsin- 3 1/2 hours by plane- farther than Paris from Marrakesh." The man he was talking to in Morocco was shocked to hear that he only sees his family once a year.
I first saw it in a French bookstore and bought it. French bookstores have entire sections totally devoted to graphic novels. Staying away from the "Asterix" comics, this one caught my eye. Totally worth every single Euro I paid for it. After reading (or at least trying to read) the French version I bought, I purchased the original English copy when I got home.
I would recomend "Carnet De Voyage" to anyone. Its sort of this travel journal/graphic novel. It has all of Craig's drawing and notes in it from when he traveled to France, Morocco, the Alps and Barcelona.
It makes me miss this:
and this:
*le sigh*
Until Later,
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I did buy a quite lovely fluffy orange comforter. It's amazing. I was so excited about it that I used it last night even though it was too hot to use.
clothes hamper, storage boxes, lamp, new cd/radio alarm, phone and the likes.
I'm going to be ordering a Beck poster and am currently looking for a Andy Warhol poster that isn't over $40 that I like. So far, no luck. The ones I do like are either magnets or just too expensive.
If all of Andy Warhol's works were copies, wouldn't a poster be considered an original?
I'm going back to searching through bizzare but awesome european hair models (a la meg) so I can find the right haircut. I want something funky and short. No more boring hair for me!!!
Until Later,
Sunday, July 17, 2005
As You Like It
I was there seeing the Stratford Festival's "As You Like It".
It was cute, enjoyable, though sometimes a bit confusing.
I've seen other productions at Stratford like the "The King and I", which had phenominal costumes and set.
"As You Like It", however was very minimalist. Can anyone explain to me why there were umbrellas hanging above everyone the whole play?
I was a bit disapointed, they could have done so much more to the set than just umbrellas and ladders.
But other than that, it was a decent play. Steven Page from the Barenaked Ladies wrote the songs for the play. I was a bit worried the music would be over the top, involve girls in go-go boots (since it was set in the 60's and have an avid hate in all things Andrew Lloyd Webber) and be more like a musical. *Shudder*. But fortunately it was not. Most of the songs were fairly subtle, and the ones that were not just made the play more enjoyable. Steven Page's voice softly crooning from the inside of a night club. Joy. I'm a nerd.
For those who don't know, I have a very big crush on Steven Page's voice. Not Steven Page, not the Barenaked Ladies- Steven Page's voice. In fact, contrary to popular belief, if I had to make a list of my 20 top favorite bands ever, Barenaked Ladies would not even be in that category.
Maybe his voice, but not the band.
But Stratford was lovely. A bit rainy, but lovely. We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast owned by the sweetest old lady in the world. We had an amazing dinner served by incredibly hot guys. One, I swear looked just like Sondre Lerche, but with darker hair. And a lip ring. The lip ring was a bit emo...but I really didn't care. A guy wearing girl pants is also emo, but also quite wonderful.
I kept on drinking all of my water so he would go fill it. He probably thought I had diabetes or something. Or that I was freakishly dehydrated. But I didn't care. He was beautiful.
La La La.
Until Later,
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Cartesian Dualism, Anyone?
on the 27th you shall be chopped off!
And I shall sing and dance.
But not now. It's too hot out.
I finally got the list of courses offered at AU. I'm very excited about it all, there are so many classes I want to take. I yelled with joy when I saw the description of 'Ethics'.
An attempt to understand the fundamental human alternatives in the wake of the moral skepticism of our age. Traditional answers to the question "What is the good life?" will be examined by reading selected philosophers from Plato to Satre.
Crap. I'm going to be a Philosophy major aren't I?
Yay for Majors that offer no other jobs but teaching it to other future professors!
Maybe I'll find something else to do with it other than teach it. Perhaps I could just open up a yarn shop and talk about Descartes.
I knit, therefore I am?
I'll just keep my options open...
Psychology, Creative Writing, French, Women's Studies...possibly Political Science.
Don't worry, I'll change my mind billions of times before I decide... and then I'll change my mind again.
Until Later,
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
You make a garbage man scream
So far, so good. This Shakespeare dude rarely lets me down. Julius Caesar was decent and Hamlet is one of my all time favorite plays. Romeo and Juliet on the other hand...
...well lets just say i'm far too much of a cynic to ever really enjoy that play.
Romeo: But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun!
Me: pssst! Juliet! He just wants to get into your pants!
Margaret: Shut up! It's romantic!
Romeo: Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou her maid art far more fair than she...
Me: Hey, It's okay! Romeo is like eighteen, you're like twelve, but really, I'm sure you totally aren't mistaking your hormones for true love. You've actually spent like an hour in each others presence, so this must be love!
Margaret: Shut UP!
So yeah. I'm not a big fan of that play,(sorry margaret) but I'm excited about seeing As You Like It. Perhaps I'll find that it has a little bit more substance.
I'm in alot better mood today. A bit tired, but sleep is over-rated anyways. Dancing with Meg and Jessie to Beck, swimming, getting bug bites on my face, speaking/being made fun of in french, watching Tommy Boy and laughing so hard when David Spade starts vacuuming moths that I started crying is always good fun.
Plus, Thursday I'm going to The Demos concert!
I need to start making the rounds, seeing everyone I need to see before I go off to college. I only have a few more weeks left!
Until Later,