I had a dream that I got a puppy. He was adorable. I put him in a large white bucket. His name was 'Coffee', but I wanted to change it. He looked exactly like my dog, but smaller. Then I drove him around in the car at night time.
I don't remember anything more than that.
Random thing: I'm not sure why, but theres something about large white t-shirts that make me happy. They make me think of gorgey boys.
Next year I get to visit England with my grandparents. I'm very excited about that. I need to start learning about Britain now, so I'll know what I want to see. I've been thinking alot about Europe in general lately. Perhaps it's Bush, Perhaps it's this whole nominating a new supreme court justice, or maybe it's still the war.
Great citys, new people, everything so close. I was re-reading "Carnet de Voyage" by Craig Thompson, when I read "I'm in Oregon, and my family is in Wisconsin- 3 1/2 hours by plane- farther than Paris from Marrakesh." The man he was talking to in Morocco was shocked to hear that he only sees his family once a year.
I first saw it in a French bookstore and bought it. French bookstores have entire sections totally devoted to graphic novels. Staying away from the "Asterix" comics, this one caught my eye. Totally worth every single Euro I paid for it. After reading (or at least trying to read) the French version I bought, I purchased the original English copy when I got home.
I would recomend "Carnet De Voyage" to anyone. Its sort of this travel journal/graphic novel. It has all of Craig's drawing and notes in it from when he traveled to France, Morocco, the Alps and Barcelona.
It makes me miss this:
and this:
*le sigh*
Until Later,
dogs rule, but you have to rename them almost univerally if they're already named.
I went through Petsmart (pets mart/pet smart) a month ago and of the 5 dogs they were adopting out, 4 of them would have to be renamed.
How many dogs named Molly/Sadie/Max/Bear does the planet need?
Never been to Paris. Must have been really amazing though, eh?
Did you wear a Canadian Flag pin so you'd get treated better? Cuz that apparently REALLY works well all over most of Europe.
No, I didn't wear a Canadian flag pin. That might have worked, but when we were in the group of 17 some people, we would have irritated the French anyways.
Oddly enough, one morning I was having Petit Dejuner with a few friends, all speaking in English, and the guy next to us turned to us and asked- "Vous ĂȘtes Suisse?"
I thought we were blatantly and (unfortunately) unavoidably American, but obviously not. He thought we were Swiss.
Besides, If I wore a Canadian pin, I'd never be able to reverse the sterotype that all Americans love Bush/support the war in Iraq.
This is long.
"Non? Italiennes?"
and that chick on the subway who said "est-ce que vous habitez ici?" (while we were having a conversation in English with a map out)
I think most French give you the benefit of the doubt, just like MOST Americans don't hate the French for no reason.
People can't tell where you're from no matter what you do.
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