Monday, September 12, 2005


...was better.

A song a friend gave me made me feel better. It was so horrible I just had to smile.

I think dinner sounds nice now. Then sleep. Then tomorrow.

Hopefully I should be getting a new roommate soon. I think that will help. I won't have a scary dorm room any more.

Until Later,



Anonymous said...

It might be worthwhile to seriously attack getting a single-Dorm... most places have a few, and if its a big enough deal, it might be worth the money...
Crazy John i told you about, he eventually got a single because he told them he would murder his roommate if he had to go back to him

Sondra said...

No, I actually don't have a roommate now. She dropped out, she wasn't happy here.

I think part of the problem is that I don't have a roommate. But I am getting one soon, and I think that will help immensely. I need to surround myself with people.

Anonymous said...

oh man, u're nuts... i'd love to have a room to myself... rather than share it with someone else...
how else can u walk around nekkid??

Sondra said...

Hm, thats a hard choice. Sanity? or being able to walk around naked in my own room?

I choose Sanity! Seriosly, I couldn't take being alone anymore. I was well on my way to becoming a hermit.

Plus, my new roommate is AWESOME.