Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Okay, so I'm not normally one to go oohing and ahhing over pictures of animals put in silly things, but I thought this was just hillarious.

It reminds me of dressing up the Weinert's dogs as a child...


That's all for now, today was a long day. I just kinda burbled incoherently.


time for a big ass cup of coffee...

Until Later,


p.s. As a sidenote, Questionable Content now includes scary eyelashes.


meg said...

You noticed the eyelashes too!
I dunno.. I always pictured Dora as more of a non-super make upy type. She looks too girly.
Meh enough ne rdy discussion!
PS. that dog looks sooo sad. poor puppy :)

Anonymous said...

This dog is possibly more pwn3d that that dog

Sondra said...

yes, you can just see the pain in that poor puppy's eyes...

they just seem to say:

why mommy? why did you put me in this costume? i want to run naked again. please mommy? can i get out of it now? the other dogs are laughing at me.
