Friday, August 05, 2005


I have been tagged by Nick.

Let the tagging begin!


1. Ten years ago – Wow, that’s hardly a fair question. I was eight. I do not remember much about being eight. I was probably running around playgrounds and scaring boys. Getting vaccinated from cooties. Playing with Barbie. Barbie running off with the pool boy (aka Batman) in her pink porche and not telling Ken. Poor Ken.

2. Five years ago – Not a happy year for me. I wouldn’t trade being thirteen again for anything. I started Middle School, which I absolutely hated. I spent a week in the hospital in which I recieved unnecessary surgery, two pints of blood and two bruises the size of baseball on each hand because of all of the IVs. Not a happy time. It's making me sound like i'm an invalid or something, but really I'm actually pretty healthy. Now is good so no worries.

3. One year ago – About to enter my High School senior year, and very stressed about applying to schools.

4. Yesterday – Lolled. (I am getting quite good at lolling, perhaps I should look into it as a serious sport. I would win gold medals.)

5. Today – Woke up. Ate breakfast. Brushed teeth with joy. E-mail. Posted this.

6. Tomorrow – Spending time with family, it being my Grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary.

7. Five snacks I enjoy – Mmm. Hummus. I am a hummus addict. I love fruit, especially bananas. Strange but true fact: I open bananas from the bottom. It actually makes sense, it’s weaker there because it’s not the end that it is held from on the tree. Hey, monkeys do it, why can’t I? It may not count as a snack, but I love spanikopita. If I could marry spanikopita, I would. Anything chocolate. Bread. I love bread.

8. Five bands (or singers??) I know the lyrics of most of their songs – The Beatles. Barenaked Ladies (yes, I know…I could even add Moxy Fruvous from years of yonder, but I won’t). Cake. Sondre Lerche. Belle and Sebastian.

9. Five things I would do with $100,000,000 – I would never need to work a day in my life. I would just retire (from my already stressful life of lolling). And If I wanted to further my education just for the heck of it, I could just buy my way into Yale…hey, Dubya did it! I would probably end up using the money to travel all over the world. That and I would have to do something totally useless with the money, like use it to make the world’s largest falafel. Perhaps become a conceptual artist. Yes, that's what I would do. After that, I would probably hate myself for being a rich fat cat/bourgeoisie square and try to do something good with the money.

10. Five locations I’d like to run away to – Paris would be lovely again, I’ve always wanted to go to Prague for some reason, London sans the terrorist attacks, The Alps, China.

11. Five Bad Habits – I am super lazy. I have even gotten to the point where I have put clothes on my bed so in the morning I don’t have to get out of bed for the longest amount of time possible. I tend to interrupt people. I tend to be a know-it-all. I hate admitting that I’m wrong and never do it as much as I should. I hate answering the phone and rarely do.

12. Five things I like doing – enjoying art in it's many forms (e.g. music, paintings, sculpture, movies, poetry, good webcomics count?), being with friends, watching cheesy sci-fi movies, blogging, knitting.

13. Five T.V. shows I like – I think that Arrested Development is one of the funniest shows on television ever. I also like The West Wing because I like living in a pretend world where our president is Jed Bartlett. Family Guy is good. Gilmore Girls is beyond addiction. I watch that show obsessively, and that's sad. I watch The OC once and a while, but it’s only because of Adam Brody.

14. Famous People I’d like to meet – Does God count as a person? God would be pretty sweet to meet. Andy Warhol. Gloria Steinem. Jane Austen. Michael Ondaatje. Wayne Coyne. Jackson Pollack. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.. Salvador Dali. Karl Marx. Pablo Picasso. Adam Brody (but for a bit more libidinous reason). Dorothy Gambrell. William F. Buckley (endearingly called fuhbuckley by myself). Leon Trotsky (sans ice pick in head). So many people, the list could go on forever...that wasn't supposed to be five, right?

15. Biggest joys at the moment – Apricot Toothpaste, Morning, Summer break, Boys, Breakfast, E-mail, Snuggling blankets, Friends, Being me.

16. Favorite toys – Heh. I love my digital camera. Sadly, I am not sure if I can bring it to school, so my blog may be picture free for a long while. I like my CD player, but I wish I had an iPod. I do not have much of toys per say, but I do love my blog, if that is a toy. Is knitting a toy?

17. Five people to tag – I don’t know how many people will actually go and do the tag, but Meg’s should be interesting. Jessie should be tagged also. James and Tambo also. I’m not sure how often she reads it, but I’d love to tag The Divine Ms. Em.

Until Later,



meg said...

Anonymous said...

... why did u laugh at the question about your favorite toys?
and why couldn't you bring your camera there? you're not bringing your computer? is it a nudist college?
and yes, i answered my tag or whatever u call it, on my blog

Sondra said...

*rolls eyes*

Toys are funny.

I don't believe I will have a digital camera because it is not mine, it's 'the familys'.

I will be bringing my computer.

It is not a nudist college (colony?). I ruled out nudist colleges a long time ago because I didn't want to bother with all that sunscreen.

meg said...

I remember this one time you wrote something like "when I go off to university..."
and i laughed.
silly americans

Anonymous said...

thats a wickedly funny idea... nudist colleges... sounds like somethign you'd see advertised on late-night TV, or in pop-over Flash advertisements on the net...

Come and enroll at University of Nudesylvania, thats right, UNUDE.
Co-Ed naked football, wrestling, volleyball, hockey and baseball. Its not so rough in the buff!