Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Happy Girl

Today was a very good day. I knew I'd have one eventually.

I finally moved into my new dorm room with my new roommate (My old roommate left school because she was unhappy here). So far so good! She knits, watches Amelie and is obsessed with Gilmore Girls too! Most importantly, she doesn't bitch about how much she hates things here! YAY!

Moving was really fun. I expected it to be alot of trudging around and cleaning up my messy room. It was that, but lots of people chipped in and made things awesome. I kept my door open, even after I had finished moving. We're not technically supposed to keep our doors open for long periods of time (being a fire harzard or something), but it's amazing how many people just come by and start talking to you. One girl came in after seeing my Guster poster and she started talking about how she got to meet them once. I need to keep on reminding myself that people are fun and pleasant things to be around.

Then we watched the season premier of Gilmore Girls. What was with that sweater with excesive amounts of bows on it?! That show is so addicting. Sometimes I'll be so dissatisfied with an episode that I will vow to never watch it again... but come Tuesday at 8:00 I'm on the couch in front of the TV with everyone else.

Anyway. This roommate thing will be good for me.

Now to do some last minute 1 AM homework! However, I don't regret putting it off until later AT ALL. At the moment, enjoying new friends is much more important.


Until Later,



Anonymous said...

stop that u're ruining it for the rest of us non registered users
Sondra, I dont suppose u can allow Others, but not Anonymouses?

I'm so glad u're happy now =)

Sondra said...

La, now I have fun word verifications like Meg's blog.


I really do love my new situation. Before, I'd refer to my dorm room as 'home', but it never really felt like it.

When I had my roommate before, I felt like I had to be careful of everything I said or did. Then when she left, I hated my room because it made me so lonely. I just saw it as a place to sleep.

Now it really does feel like home. My roommate is so nice, and I don't feel weird about playing my music loudly or just being myself. Plus, I'm not going insane from solitude! Always good.

meg said...

ooh. she sounds pretty groovy