Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I just finished reading Craig Thompson's Blankets today. I got it at the library this morning, and devoured every beautiful page.

I had read Carnet de Voyage... had picked it up in a French bookstore (where they're really big on graphic novels). I loved what I could read, and later picked up a copy in English and loved it more.

I was inspired to go back to reading Thompson's works when Meg sent me this. Salamander Dream is good, and reminded me of why I love graphic novels or whatever they're called.

Blankets makes me happy to be human. Although his story is sad, especially at first, I didn't feel that way at all when I finished. It's so intensely beautiful, every page just as wonderful as the next.

Everyone should read it, and I think I'm gonna read it again tonight.

Craig Thompson has this special abillity... to draw/write things that connect with all human beings. There's something so universal. All sorts of different feelings we all know and experience. Opressive parents. Questioning thoughts. Love in all of it's many forms. Realizations. Growing up. We can relate to these all, sometimes I almost felt like he was writing more about my own life and feelings than his own.

God, it was a good book. I think I'm gonna start enjoying simple pleasures in life more. Books. Tea. Knitting. Silence.

I feel like I've been spending wayy too much time with computers lately, I need to start getting away from that. They can suck out your soooouuuuulllll!

I suppose I should eat now, all of that reading made me forget about food. However, the last thing I want right now is to wait in long lines for bad food. Hm.

Oh yes, and what is this about a paper due Friday? And French test tomorrow? Other writing paper due next wednesday? Might want to start on that as well.

Ha! That just made me think of something I heard the first day of college... "Do you guys really know what you're getting yourselves into? Four years of papers, tests, exams? " i didn't.

Until Later,



meg said...

hmm.. everyone writes this post after Blankets...

Sondra said...


at least i refrained from calling craig thompson my lover...

...only in my dreams.

ruth (my lovely roommate) is reading it now! She will either think-

a) this is really awesome!


b) i have a fucking weird roommate.

quite possibly (most likely) both conclusions will be reached.

meg said...

(Who said the poly s thing?)
I was not talking about only me but
umm.. dude.. He totally IS my lover.
I mean, along with Wes Anderson, Beck, BUCK 65, Muffins, John Bennett, Dan Powers, T.S, Polka Sam, German Kid ("Dan"), Ted Leo, Trent (of Daria), Jay, Ben, The Bens (not the band), Ford Prefect, Rivers, Cal, The Kinks, Angry Steve, other Steve, other other Steve, That Boy from H&M (Greece), Blockbuster Joe, Patrick Fugit, Jason Lee, That guy from stuff, Nicolas, Roger, Jesse Keeler, Sebastien Grainer, Darren (Russell) Hayman, Lou Reed, Kings of Convenience (esp. Glasses), Kevin Barnes, Conor Oberst, Jeff Mangum, and, well... let's just say I get aroud.


Sondra said...

You totally forgot Ro(d)ger/Patrick!

for shame!

meg said...

guess again! "That guy from stuff, Nicolas, Roger,"