Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hair: A Story.


I need a haircut.

I'm being attacked. I'm really tempted to just pull out some scissors and do my worst right now.

Lots of deck people I know cut their own hair...and most of the time It turns out looking pretty good.

It would make for an interesting blog entry anyways...

I'll probably just snip a few split ends, chicken out, and shell out $40 for professional help.

and man, do I need it.

Meanwhile I have to put up with this strawberry blonde monstrosity that lives atop my head.

There are so many things to consider when you are looking to get a haircut.

You have to cut enough hair to make it behave, but then you need to keep it long enough to put up. That or you need it short enough that its out of the way, but not so short that you look like your brother.


If I don't blog in the next week, my hair has officially taken over and is now plotting to invade poland.

Until Later,



Anonymous said...

adorable, eh?
time for some serious drinking!
On a side note:
Take that Tambo, beat u to first post :P
I'm exceedingly curious as to how you got your hair to sit on your head like that btw.
And if more girls learned that value of the simple pony-tail, their endless worry about their hair would be greatly diminished

Anonymous said...

Nooo, don't invade Poland. Leave my kinsmen be, I beg your hair!

I too, am curious about how you got your hair to stay like that. Bobby pins, hairspray? Or has it truly taken on a life of it's own?

meg said...

I look like my brother

(only 1000000000x hotter)

Sondra said...

Nothing like hairpins or hairspray were used to get my hair to stay like that. I'm telling you, my hair has a mind of its own.

It walks, it talks, it crawls on its belly like a reptile.

And Meg, you're viciously sexxy anyways, so you can pull off short hair.