Thursday, March 16, 2006

busy busy

As you can see, I had a great time in London and Bath. Bath especially, and being the nerd I am, would constantly recognize places filmed in the movie Persuasion. It was great. Next trip to Europe though is going to be somewhere a bit cheeper. Jeez, was it expensive. It seems like the more I travel the more I want to see. Italy, Germany and perhaps Japan are still on my lists to go see.

I really have been busy lately so it's still going to be a while before I'm able to sit down and write a quality post. I've got a paper to write by Monday, projects and other assignments to do and on top of that I'm taking a weekend trip to North Carolina with my best friend, Nicole. I'm really excited about that. We haven't been able to hang out much at all since college so it will be awesome to go on a road trip together. Plus, I get to see the town where she grew up!

It's been wonderful to get back to Alfred. The work is really starting to build and will only get more intense as finals come but I really have been glad to be here lately.

Until Later,


p.s I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie "Thank You For Smoking". I enjoyed the book by Jeff Buckley anyway, and It should be amusing at least. It's about Nick Naylor,

Nick Naylor: Cigarettes in space?
Jeff Megall: It's the final frontier, Nick.
Nick Naylor: But wouldn't they, you know, blow up in an all oxygen environment?
Jeff Megall: Probably... but you know, it's an easy fix. One line of dialogue... "Thank god we created the, ya know, whatever device."


Anonymous said...

space ships do not have an all oxygen environment, thatd be a total waste of oxygen

Anonymous said...

Oh, i just realized i saw the "advert" for this movie at the theater we were kicked out of last night

Its just a big black sign with a "smoking ok" symbol... it seemed really odd