Tuesday, January 24, 2006

music is wonderful

For some reason, I just couldn't get up this morning. I pressed the snooze button on p j harvey at least 5 times.

Then I spilled hot coffee on myself well walking to Anthro, fumbled my way through the class and was glad to disappear into a seat.

I was sitting in my room, not really wanting to go to Psychology class again, when I decided to put on some happy music.

It was amazing, in 15 minutes flat I went from considering skipping and taking a nap instead to walk/dancing to the science center.

I started talking to my friend Charity (who sits behind me in psych)... I told her that I had this great song in my head, so I'd probably end up dancing in my seat to it. Don't be alarmed, I swear I don't have Tourette's, I just have a song stuck in my head. She asked what Band, I said "Of Montreal" and then we both flipped out about how awesome they are.

From now on I'm gonna make sure I listen to some good music before I go to class. It's funny how something like that can put you in such a damn good mood.

I did a bit of self-barbering today... It's so difficult to try and grow out an a-symetrical haircut. I think I did a pretty good job evening things out a bit... made me feel a bit more pretty without the longer hair in front. Should make it easier to grow my hair long-ish again too. I got a nice smile from a random cute boy when I went to get dinner...so the haircut can't be all that bad anyway.

And Gilmore Girls tonight! Aw, and It's Rory's 21st birthday... should be interesting.


Until Later,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hurray for long hair
boo for boys