I think I'm gonna go visit Rochester this weekend.
It will be nice to be home for the weekend and see a few people. Go get coffee at Joe Bean and buy myself a new pair of pants (to replace the ones that disappeared over winter break...I think they're chilling in Florida right now.)
It feels like I haven't been home in a while but I've only been away 4 weeks.
I'm still really enjoying my classes. I've learned how to (kinda) do that click thing that the !Kung (aka "The Bush People") tribe people make in Anthropology. That's awesome. Christine and I practiced saying the name "!Nai" while walking to the next class.
Learning about other distant cultures is sometimes a nice distraction from other such things that happen to be going on lately. Quel Nightmare.
Went to the study abroad fair today... looked interesting. I can't say I have much of an interest in learning another language though. At least not in a classroom anymore.
I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I want to do something with Sociology. That or Cultural Anthropology even. Perhaps minor in Women's Studies. If I could study abroad and somehow tie that in, that would be awesome. And again, there is always the peace corp after college...
It's a hard decision, wondering what you want to do in life. I enjoy learning and I would like to go on to graduate school, but there are lots of factors involved. Firstly, I'd have to pay for it on my own. Secondly, if I end up doing something like being a social worker, then I really won't have the income to pay off debts from school. Yet I don't want to find out I can't get a job in a field I really want to go into because I didn't get my Master's or whatever.
Bleh Bleh.
Gilmore Girls tonight which means I must get my homework done now. Hopefully they'll start showing new episodes next week. Regardless, I haven't seen many seasons at all this year so it's good to catch up. It's just more drama, but it's still addicting.
Until Later,
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
music is wonderful
For some reason, I just couldn't get up this morning. I pressed the snooze button on p j harvey at least 5 times.
Then I spilled hot coffee on myself well walking to Anthro, fumbled my way through the class and was glad to disappear into a seat.
I was sitting in my room, not really wanting to go to Psychology class again, when I decided to put on some happy music.
It was amazing, in 15 minutes flat I went from considering skipping and taking a nap instead to walk/dancing to the science center.
I started talking to my friend Charity (who sits behind me in psych)... I told her that I had this great song in my head, so I'd probably end up dancing in my seat to it. Don't be alarmed, I swear I don't have Tourette's, I just have a song stuck in my head. She asked what Band, I said "Of Montreal" and then we both flipped out about how awesome they are.
From now on I'm gonna make sure I listen to some good music before I go to class. It's funny how something like that can put you in such a damn good mood.
I did a bit of self-barbering today... It's so difficult to try and grow out an a-symetrical haircut. I think I did a pretty good job evening things out a bit... made me feel a bit more pretty without the longer hair in front. Should make it easier to grow my hair long-ish again too. I got a nice smile from a random cute boy when I went to get dinner...so the haircut can't be all that bad anyway.
And Gilmore Girls tonight! Aw, and It's Rory's 21st birthday... should be interesting.
Until Later,
Then I spilled hot coffee on myself well walking to Anthro, fumbled my way through the class and was glad to disappear into a seat.
I was sitting in my room, not really wanting to go to Psychology class again, when I decided to put on some happy music.
It was amazing, in 15 minutes flat I went from considering skipping and taking a nap instead to walk/dancing to the science center.
I started talking to my friend Charity (who sits behind me in psych)... I told her that I had this great song in my head, so I'd probably end up dancing in my seat to it. Don't be alarmed, I swear I don't have Tourette's, I just have a song stuck in my head. She asked what Band, I said "Of Montreal" and then we both flipped out about how awesome they are.
From now on I'm gonna make sure I listen to some good music before I go to class. It's funny how something like that can put you in such a damn good mood.
I did a bit of self-barbering today... It's so difficult to try and grow out an a-symetrical haircut. I think I did a pretty good job evening things out a bit... made me feel a bit more pretty without the longer hair in front. Should make it easier to grow my hair long-ish again too. I got a nice smile from a random cute boy when I went to get dinner...so the haircut can't be all that bad anyway.
And Gilmore Girls tonight! Aw, and It's Rory's 21st birthday... should be interesting.
Until Later,
Sunday, January 22, 2006
the weekend
Time for doing laundry, cleaning my room and finishing up homework!
Sometimes I feel like a neat freak trapped in an ADD person's body...
...I would clean my room if I had the attention span.
At least I give it a try once a week.
I've been in such a good mood recently. Yesterday was boring, but I had a pleasant night. Went to go see a comedian (who's act improved greatly in the last 15 minutes and therefore made the stay worth it) and then watched Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. 'Twas funny.
And now for tonight there is 'Knitting and a Movie' over at the Brick.
It should give me a chance to work on my very first pair of knitted socks again. They have been put off long enough by Anthro class.
I've tried several times to knit socks, but they've never really clicked until now.
Let's hope so anyway, I still have yet to turn the heel... that might be a deal breaker.
Until Later,
Time for doing laundry, cleaning my room and finishing up homework!
Sometimes I feel like a neat freak trapped in an ADD person's body...
...I would clean my room if I had the attention span.
At least I give it a try once a week.
I've been in such a good mood recently. Yesterday was boring, but I had a pleasant night. Went to go see a comedian (who's act improved greatly in the last 15 minutes and therefore made the stay worth it) and then watched Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. 'Twas funny.
And now for tonight there is 'Knitting and a Movie' over at the Brick.
It should give me a chance to work on my very first pair of knitted socks again. They have been put off long enough by Anthro class.
I've tried several times to knit socks, but they've never really clicked until now.
Let's hope so anyway, I still have yet to turn the heel... that might be a deal breaker.
Until Later,
Friday, January 20, 2006
no lions and tigers or bears yet
I had the strangest dream last night.
I dreamt I was in Paris again, right near the Eiffel Tower. Its that large open space where you could take pictures and venders come at you and snap open a string of post cards.
In the dream, the Eiffel Tower was much closer, and was a sort of ferris wheel instead. I was with this couple. I'm pretty sure the girl was Indian. There was some kind of thing going on where they kind of had to get away from the group to meet. They took a ride up on the ferris wheel/eiffel tower. They were thrilled with it, it was all terribly happy-go-lucky. Suddenly, water rushes through the street behind us. It's strange though, because the street doesn't actually exsist there. On the other side of the stree in fact is a suburb of my town.
I think- We must get to the shelter. The idea of 'the shelter' was very familiar to me, because I'm pretty sure I've dreamt of the whole water-rushing through the streets of Paris/Webster before. Odd.
So we walk towards the shelter and I'm no longer with the couple but Meg and Jessie instead. We get there, but 'the shelters' are basically horse stalls with people living in them. They're all crowded so we go to the main stall to ask the woman there if there is anymore room. She suggests we try the one next to her. In that shelter, there are only three other girls. They're maybe middle school or high school age, slightly obnoxious but we have no other choice but to stay there. We start talking to them, and they seem pretty cool after all.
One mentions that we don't seem like normal american tourists and so Meg says- "Yeah, we've been here before. We're done with all of the touristy type things."
We all laugh and thats the end of the dream.
Very odd indeed.
Until Later,
I dreamt I was in Paris again, right near the Eiffel Tower. Its that large open space where you could take pictures and venders come at you and snap open a string of post cards.
In the dream, the Eiffel Tower was much closer, and was a sort of ferris wheel instead. I was with this couple. I'm pretty sure the girl was Indian. There was some kind of thing going on where they kind of had to get away from the group to meet. They took a ride up on the ferris wheel/eiffel tower. They were thrilled with it, it was all terribly happy-go-lucky. Suddenly, water rushes through the street behind us. It's strange though, because the street doesn't actually exsist there. On the other side of the stree in fact is a suburb of my town.
I think- We must get to the shelter. The idea of 'the shelter' was very familiar to me, because I'm pretty sure I've dreamt of the whole water-rushing through the streets of Paris/Webster before. Odd.
So we walk towards the shelter and I'm no longer with the couple but Meg and Jessie instead. We get there, but 'the shelters' are basically horse stalls with people living in them. They're all crowded so we go to the main stall to ask the woman there if there is anymore room. She suggests we try the one next to her. In that shelter, there are only three other girls. They're maybe middle school or high school age, slightly obnoxious but we have no other choice but to stay there. We start talking to them, and they seem pretty cool after all.
One mentions that we don't seem like normal american tourists and so Meg says- "Yeah, we've been here before. We're done with all of the touristy type things."
We all laugh and thats the end of the dream.
Very odd indeed.
Until Later,
Saturday, January 14, 2006
winter is still here
Well the weather was all lovely and spring like until last night. I woke up and there was tons of snow all over. I decided to ditch walking all the way down the the lake, and just took a few pictures around my yard.
red is so pretty.
lots and lots of trees.

I swear, the last two pictures were not taken in black and white. It was just that freaking gloomy today. Makes for a cool picture though.
Gotta go start packing to go back to school...
Until Later,

I swear, the last two pictures were not taken in black and white. It was just that freaking gloomy today. Makes for a cool picture though.
Gotta go start packing to go back to school...
Until Later,
Friday, January 13, 2006
a new semester soon!
So I've got just a few more days before I go back to school.
It's been a really nice break. It was so good to get away from AU and visit Webster again. I got to see lots of people many times, always a good thing.
I've learned a few things since I've been on break. First, that I don't especially like being alone anymore.
Of course, that sounds worse than it actually is. It's simply that before, I'd go out of my way to spend time all by my lonesome. Sure I'd want to see friends, and I would. I would simply value my time alone more than with others.
Now I don't especially like being alone, and have simply become alot more pro-active about calling up friends and making sure I'm not alone.
This is probably just a side effect of living in a dorm. This is not to say I spend all of my time with others either though.
I just had a nice walk up to the park yesterday. I stood up by the white house and enjoyed people watching for almost an hour. The weather was beautiful. I wished I had brought my camera so I could have taken a few pictures of Lake Ontario. I think I'm gonna walk up there again tomorrow and bring my camera.
I've also realized that I miss my friends from back home ALOT. Although I would never trade AU for High School, I do really miss hanging out with friends on a daily basis.
I just need to keep on reminding myself that it's not so much that I'm losing friends from back home, simply gaining new ones from Alfred.
Anyway, this is starting to sound way too sentimental and cliche. Hopefully Webster Park pictures will be up tomorrow! I've gotta make good use of the camera before I go back to school! I'm gonna try to keep up with the regular posting, but I'm gonna be super busy with my new classes next semester. I've really been enjoying getting back to the ol' bloggin'. My goal is to update at least once a week though. We'll see how it goes.
Until Later,
It's been a really nice break. It was so good to get away from AU and visit Webster again. I got to see lots of people many times, always a good thing.
I've learned a few things since I've been on break. First, that I don't especially like being alone anymore.
Of course, that sounds worse than it actually is. It's simply that before, I'd go out of my way to spend time all by my lonesome. Sure I'd want to see friends, and I would. I would simply value my time alone more than with others.
Now I don't especially like being alone, and have simply become alot more pro-active about calling up friends and making sure I'm not alone.
This is probably just a side effect of living in a dorm. This is not to say I spend all of my time with others either though.
I just had a nice walk up to the park yesterday. I stood up by the white house and enjoyed people watching for almost an hour. The weather was beautiful. I wished I had brought my camera so I could have taken a few pictures of Lake Ontario. I think I'm gonna walk up there again tomorrow and bring my camera.
I've also realized that I miss my friends from back home ALOT. Although I would never trade AU for High School, I do really miss hanging out with friends on a daily basis.
I just need to keep on reminding myself that it's not so much that I'm losing friends from back home, simply gaining new ones from Alfred.
Anyway, this is starting to sound way too sentimental and cliche. Hopefully Webster Park pictures will be up tomorrow! I've gotta make good use of the camera before I go back to school! I'm gonna try to keep up with the regular posting, but I'm gonna be super busy with my new classes next semester. I've really been enjoying getting back to the ol' bloggin'. My goal is to update at least once a week though. We'll see how it goes.
Until Later,
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It seems like lately i've been running into some pretty funny commercials. This Nutrigrain Commercial is hillarious-
click here for it.

Then there's the actor Alan Cumming's new product... perhaps you've heard of it? It's slightly more disturbing than funny, but funny just the same.
i burst into laughter everytime he says "well hello".
Until Later,
Monday, January 09, 2006
pictures of a florida christmas
yes, i know i haven't updated in a while. i've been spending lots of time with friends and family. did take a trip to florida for christmas too. enjoy.

pool with children and yellow tube.
view from our room.
Until Later,
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