Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Sonord Midmid
Ginny Dark Chocolate
YOUR FLY GIRL/GUY NAME (first initial of first name followed by "izzle", first two or three letters of your last name followed by "dizzle"):
Sizzle Podizzle
YOUR DETECTIVE NAME (favorite color, favorite animal):
Green Dog
YOUR STAR WARS NAME (first 3 letters of your name- last 3 letters of mother's maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet's name repeated twice):
Sonord Midmid
YOUR SUPERHERO NAME ("The", your favorite color, the automobile you drive):
The Green Silhouette
Sunday, June 25, 2006
No, its not my version of Calvinball, I've finally been employed.
Yes, It's true, I've finally gotten a job. I start tomorrow as a cashier for Dick's Sporting Goods.
Given the many (∞) places I applied to it's so great to finally have a job this summer.
So if you're in the area and have a sudden urge to buy sporting goods, stop on by.
Until Later,
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Which Biological Molecule Are You?
You are glucose. People feed off of you. You are sweet, caring, and a source of energy for everyone around you. You can inspire others with your creativity and depth, and you can keep people alive when in times of famine. People love you...or at least the way you taste.
Take this quiz!
Make A Quiz More Quizzes Grab Code
Until Later,
Sunday, May 21, 2006
10 Things I Hate About Commandments
and in case you are interested in seeing "Must Love Jaws", here you go.
You're welcome.
Until Later,
Thursday, May 18, 2006
novocaine in the morning
I guess I wasn't fully aware of how much the right side of my face isn't working. As I walked out and tried not to drool as I paid the receptionist, a dental hygienist walked by, smiled at me, I smiled back. She just laughed and walked by. When I got back to the car, I looked in the rear view mirror and found out that this is the smile I gave her:
Nice, Huh? Whats even creepier is that even the muscles around my right eye are hard to move because of the novocaine as well, so one eye gives this- "MUST KILL" kind of look. Really, this is as much as I can smile.
How will anyone know when I'm happy?
If this isn't a warning against botox, I don't know what is. It's not nice to not be able to move/feel your face. So don't inject toxins into it, people.
It's actually kind of reminiscent of an Elvis grin. See the freakish resemblance?
Not Elvis
Now hopefully my face can stop feeling funky now.
Until Later,
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
valley of the lillys
It's good to be home. Looking for a job this summer sucks, but I'm hoping the whole ordeal will be done with in the next two weeks.
Right now I'm really not too motivated to be looking for a job. I'm just basking in the glow of my lovely 3.75 GPA that I came back with from my freshman year of college. I'm really pleased with myself about that. It also looks like transfering from AU next year is going to be in the cards. This will hopefully help me get into most schools and find something that offers a nice Anthropology/Sociology major.
It's been strange going back to living with parental units, but not really bad. It is dificult to remember to call them and let them know where I am however. Not used to having to report back.
I was very pleased to find out that these lovely (and my personal favorite) lillys of the valley had bloomed. So pretty! They smell so lovely too. Unfortunately e-smell has not been invented yet so you're just going to have to settle with for a picture.

Anyway, I feel like I don't have much to talk about lately. I'll post some other time when I have more to type about.
Until Later,
Saturday, April 29, 2006
I cut down trees, I wear high heels...
Last night before going out to an Art Prom, I came across this article. Ruth and I both found it quite amusing.
Female kidney turns lumberjack on to housework(for this article and others, go to ananova)
A Croatia lumberjack claims he started 'enjoying housework and knitting' after he was given a female kidney.
Stjepan Lizacic, 56, from Osijek, is suing his local health authority because he says he's become a laughing stock.
He says his life changed from enjoying heavy drinking sessions with pals to prefering housework after the operation.
He told local newspaper 24sata: "The kidney transplant saved my life, but they never warned me about the side effects.
"I have developed a strange passion for female jobs like ironing, sewing, washing dishes, sorting clothes in wardrobes and even knitting."
He pointed out that before the kidney transplant he would not have been seen dead doing the housework, and expected his wife to do it all, but now found it both relaxing and fulfilling.
He said: "My wife is the only one that is pleased. I do most of the housework now, and I blame the hospital that transplanted me the kidney of a 50-year-old woman instead of a man's kidney."
His wife Radmila added: "If the new femine side to him is confined to housework I am very happy, I only hope he doesn't start looking at other men."
Oh, stupid man.
I guess what I find the most amusing is that he said he now enjoys knitting. It's not too dificult to vacuum the floor or fold a sweater but kniting involves active learning. Maybe he was sitting around one evening and asked his wife- "Dear, can you teach me how to knit? It's my goddamn kidneys again... they're craving to know how to faire isle."

Until Later,
Friday, April 28, 2006
It's pleasant outside. Right now the lawn all around campus is being cut, and giving off that delicious summer grass smell. It's one of those smells that instantly remind you of running around barefoot, playing tag or cowboys and indians.
The year is coming to an end. I can't believe it, it seems like ages ago when my parents said their final goodbyes and left me standing in front of my dorm. I remember feeling so exhilarated, so nervous, so uncertain.
I don't know how, but things just clicked.
I feel really accomplished, I feel like I've done a pretty good job with dealing with my new surroundings. I've really learned a lot about myself, and I think ultimately that's one the best thing you can do for yourself. To be perfectly honest, I'm not positive AU is right for me. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the best place for any major I'm considering and it wouldn't be terrible to find a place that challenges me even more with less expense. There are still things I'm not sure of or happy with but those things are relatively small problems in the whole grand scheme of things.
It's amazing how immature things were in High School. If nothing is really expected of you, then of course you're going to be a pissy teen that doesn't do anything. We dismiss the abilities of children/teens, yet wonder why they don't do anything right.
In High School they don't let you get mad. They tend to frown upon getting passionate about a subject. The general expectation is that you conform and try not to stab anyone. I love it how my professors here not only encourage free passionate discussion, they themselves get riled up right along with you. I found a great Gloria Steinem quote- "The Truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."
I really like this feeling that I can truly do anything I put my mind to.
Soon, back to Rochester.
Until Later,
Monday, April 24, 2006
where it's at
I finished up my interview paper, and sent it to the interviewee. I was so pleased that she loved the paper, it’s a bit nerve racking to write about someone else’s experiences. I mean, she was there, not me.
I’ve been so impressed with what my interviewee does for a living, I’m hoping to get a summer job working for her. It may be simply be making copies or bringing coffee without pay, but I think the experience would be so phenomenal. If it turns out that this is what I’d want to do for a living, wouldn’t that be fantastic?
My two presentations seemed to go well too, and although I tripped up a bit, I think everything went fine. It’s just nice to get that out of the way.
I got a care package from my church to day as well, which was quite pleasing to my beady little PMS-y eyes. What can I say, God loves me!
I also had dinner with my future roomie, and we discovered our mutual propensity for quoting movies. “Endorphins make you happy…happy people don’t kill their husbands.”
I feel much better now all of this work is out of the way. Now I can relax, turn on the fake news and finish my psychology homework.
Until Later,
Friday, April 21, 2006
Hot Hot Dog!
Hot Dog Day Weekend has finally come!
It's true I still have half a paper to finish, two presentations to prepare for and some homework to be done, but Hot Dog Day has a way of eliminating any sort of mental capacity to actually do any of these things.
But come on! Booze! Hot Dogs! Best Friend Visiting! Parades! Mud Games! More Booze!
Who wants to sit down and write at a time like this?! This is a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who...
*sigh* I suppose that is what Sunday nights are for.
Work Work.
Until Later,
Thursday, April 13, 2006
oy vey
Then I stopped.
And I realized what song it was.
"The Dreidle Song".
I'm weird.
Until Later,
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
i told you so

Thank you Jeff Rowland. Thank you.
people are retarded.
Until Later,

Monday, April 10, 2006
Thursday, April 06, 2006
1. Filmed yourself with someone else? No?
2. Painted your room? Yes, a very pretty blue-green.
3. Made out with a member of the same sex? No
4. Driven a car? Yes
5. Danced in front of your mirror? Hehe yeah.
6. Had a crush? Yes
7. Been dumped? Yes
8. Stolen money from a friend? No
9. Gotten in a car with people you just met? Yes, first day of college- trip to wal-mart!
10. Been in a fist fight? No
11. Snuck out of your house? Kinda? I just more or less left without my parents knowing...not really sneaking out though.
12. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Uh, its called High School?
13. Been arrested? No
14. Made out with a stranger? No
15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Yes
16. Left your house without telling your parents? Yes
17. Had a crush on your neighbor? Kinda
18. Ditched school to do something more fun? Ditched class to go frolic outside when it was pretty out.
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yes
20. Seen someone die? No...and I want to keep it like that.
21. Been on a plane? Uh, yeah.
22. Kissed a picture? Hehe, yes.
23. Slept in until 3PM? I've slept until 4 PM baby!
24. Love someone or miss someone right now? *sigh* yes.
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Mmmhm. Yup.
26. Made a snow angel? Yeah, every winter.
27. Played dress up? Of course! And dressed up the dogs too!
28. Cheated while playing a game? Shh!
29. Been lonely? Yeah.
30. Fallen asleep at work/school? Nope.
31. Been to a club? No not really.
32. Felt an earthquake? Yes.
33. Touched a snake? Yup.
34. Ran a red light? Accidentally yes.
35. Been suspended from school? No
36. Had detention? No
37. Been in a car accident? Yes.
38. Hated the way you look? Yeah, once and a while.
39. Witnessed a crime? Just small stuff.
40. Pole danced? Hehe no.
41. Been lost? Yup.
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? Yes, tis beautiful.
43. Felt like dying? Not really. Wishing I could disapear, yes.
44. Cried yourself to sleep? Yeah, a couple times.
45. Ever had a full-blown panic attack? Yeah, I discovered I was afraid of heights at the Grand Canyon.
46. Sang karaoke? Hehe yup! It was some Matchbox 20 song.
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? *sigh* Yes. Human nature, right?
48. Laughed til some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yup, chocolate milk when I was like 9. It was terribly embarassing.
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yup.
50. Kissed in the rain? No, its one of my dreams though. It would be like being in an old black and white movie.
51. Sang in the shower? Yup "Someday you will find me carpeting the landslide in a champagne super nova in the sky..."
52. Made love in a park? Nope.
53. Had a dream that you married someone? Yes.
54. Glued your hand to something? *Giggles* yes, to my other hand.
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No, I saw A Christmas Story. I know not to do that.
56. Ever gone to school partially naked? No
57. Been a cheerleader? Never
58. Sat on a roof top? Yeah
59. Didn't take a shower for a week? I don't think so. I don't think I've ever gone any longer than 4 days. Showers are nice, so I take lots of them.
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Yes, all the time. I need someone to claw into if I'm gonna get scared.
61. Played chicken? With bikes, yes.
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? No
64. Broken a bone? No
65. Been easily amused? Hehe. Spatula.
66. Laugh so hard you cry? Many times.
67. Mooned/flashed someone? No
68. Cheated on a test? I've only occasionally looked over to see someone's answer before, but never on the entire test.
69. Forgotten someone's name? Yeah. I stink with names.
70. Slept naked? Yup.
71. Gone skinny dipping in a pool? No
72. Peed in a pool? No
73. Blacked out from drinking? No
74.Played a prank on someone? Not really
75. Gone to a late night movie? Yeah
76. Made love to anything not human? No. I don't find inanimate objects attractive.
77. Failed a class? Yes, in High School once. Stupid pre-diagnosed ADD years.
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? No, although that would be hillarious.
79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? straight? No
80. Cheated on a girl/boyfriend? No.
81. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? Yes, because it's my Grandpa's brithday as well. Otherwise I am not patriotic at all.
82. Thrown strange objects? A retainer case once to get my brother to stop snoring.
83. Felt like killing someone? I like to go through the occasional violent senario in my head of people spontaneously combusting and such but I don't think ever truly could.
84. Thought about running away? Yeah, but I was little and I'd just sit outside in the woods until it got dark and I got scared.
85. Ran away? No
86. Did hard drugs? No
87. Had detention and not attend it? No
88. Listen to music to alter your mood? All the time. Music and dark chocolate is what motivates me to go to class every week. It's all about developing positive associations, baby! B.F. Skinner would be so proud.
89. Made a parent cry? I think so, if it was in a bad way they never let me see though, and I think my mom has gotten teary-eyed when I've made her proud.
90. Cried over someone? Yeah.
91. Owned more than 5 Sharpies? Yup
92. Dated someone more than once? Kinda?
93. Had a dog? Yup
94. Own an instrument? Yes, a flute and guitar and never play either anymore.
95. Been in a band? There was that brief period of that oh so indie band that we never played.
96. Drank 25 sodas in a day? No.
97. Broken a CD? Yes, i stepped on one accidentally. It made the most sickening of 'crunch' noises. It was so sad.
98. Shot a gun? Only paper cap guns when playing Cowboys and Indians with the Weinerts.
99. Did something completely selfless? You could argue that nothing is ever truly selfless. And if I told you if I did something completely selfless than that would make the selfless action null because I got recognition for it.
100. Lied about loving someone? No.
Friday, March 31, 2006
The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song
And its friggen fantastic. It's been stuck in my head all day. Plus what woman could resist Wayne Coyne in that bomber hat? Mmmmm...
The Quicktime version seemed to download very slowly so I'd recomend going here on yahoo music if you have an account.
Until Later,
Monday, March 27, 2006
not so busy any more (perhaps)
Well I've finally presented my project (a timeline of women in Iran), so hopefully this should allow some more free time and maybe even a good post by this weekend.
The presentation went well, I was a little concerned all of our hard work didn't show as much as we would have liked but I think it came apparent that we had spent lots of time and effort during questions. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a great grade. I think we deserve it.
The whole project really opened my eyes to what life is like for Women in Iran. Not that I'm saying that I 'know' what its like, but it helped me to get a better idea.
The legal age of marriage is 9 (dropped from 13 in 1979 and 18 before that), Women cannot leave their homes or travel without the permission of their husband or father. Gender segregation is becoming more and more common- however it is never in the interest of females. For example, hospitals have become segregated yet there are few qualified women doctors or nurses to run the woman's hospital... And this is due to segregated schools (where the classes that do not have enough women in them are discontinued and the students are told to either drop their education or find a different major) and women not being allowed to continue their education after marriage.
Oh yeah, and then electing a supposedly moderate president in 1997 (although he never did improve life for women as promised)- with a female vice president of environmental conservation- yet she defends stoning women to death and was quoted as saying- "One should take psychological and legal affairs of the society into consideration as well. If the regular rules of family are broken, it would result in many complicated and grave consequences for all of the society."
I know all of this information probably just seems random to you, but I've been working on it for a good week now and I guess it just kinda exploded. :)
Anyway, if your interested, I thought this was a great article (better written anyway). It's a quick read and you will become more aware of what's happening around you... And I think we can all use more of that.
Until Later,
Thursday, March 23, 2006
we're so pretttaaaay!
I had just gotten back from 3 hours in the library, working on my timeline of "Women In Iran" when Ruth mentioned my black polka dot dress in my closet.
As it turns out, we both have black polka dot dresses, then we had a dress party. Kinda. We took a picture anyway.

Have you ever seen such a sexy pair of bitchez? I think not!
Anyway, thanks Ruth! You made my day.
Until Later,
Tuesday, March 21, 2006!
It's not even finals week yet and two presentations next week!
At least i have friday to look forward to, ralph nader is coming to speak and i already got my ticket. Hurah!
Until Later,
Thursday, March 16, 2006
busy busy
I really have been busy lately so it's still going to be a while before I'm able to sit down and write a quality post. I've got a paper to write by Monday, projects and other assignments to do and on top of that I'm taking a weekend trip to North Carolina with my best friend, Nicole. I'm really excited about that. We haven't been able to hang out much at all since college so it will be awesome to go on a road trip together. Plus, I get to see the town where she grew up!
It's been wonderful to get back to Alfred. The work is really starting to build and will only get more intense as finals come but I really have been glad to be here lately.
Until Later,
p.s I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie "Thank You For Smoking". I enjoyed the book by Jeff Buckley anyway, and It should be amusing at least. It's about Nick Naylor,
Nick Naylor: Cigarettes in space?
Jeff Megall: It's the final frontier, Nick.
Nick Naylor: But wouldn't they, you know, blow up in an all oxygen environment?
Jeff Megall: Probably... but you know, it's an easy fix. One line of dialogue... "Thank god we created the, ya know, whatever device."
Monday, March 13, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
4 more days then:

No more posts until I'm back, lovelies. Mid-terms and packing to attend to. Then I'm sure I'll have lots to talk about.
Until Later,
p.s. I'm pretty sure my mom and I won't be able to stop quoting Jane Austen and Monty Python the entire time there...
...and it will drive everyone crazy.
yesss. happy thoughts indeed.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
What Would Dada Do?

In 1917, Marcel Duchamp became famous for submitting a urinal resting on it's side with "R. Mutt" scrawled on it and naming it "Fountain". It was his own way of making fun of all of those avant-garde artist peers of his. By placing a urinal in an art gallery, he challenged people's ideas of art and what actually 'is' art.
The movement is known as "Dada" and was mainly a reaction to modern society, especially WWI. He may have not been exactly understood then (or even now) but Duchamp was certainly a man ahead of his time. It was only until the 1960's when Andy Warhol became famous for the generally the same idea.
Now it seems someone else has the same idea, but it may not go over well with Paris's Pompidou Centre. Apparently, a 77 year old man named Pierre Pinoncelli 'attacked' the piece, chipping away at it with a small hammer and writing "Dada" on it.
The man was fined 214,000 euros (262,000 dollars) to pay to the Pompidou Centre.
In reaction, Pinoncelli was quoted as saying:
"I am not the cheap vandal that some would have me to be. A vandal does not sign his work. It was a wink to Dadaism. I wanted to pay homage to the spirit of Dadaism...which is disrespect"Pinoncelli expects to appeal, arguing that he created a new original piece of art when he drew and scratched "Fountain".

I can certainly understand where Pinoncelli is coming from, however when Duchamp decided to deface the Mona Lisa, painting facial hair and re-naming it "LHQOOC"- sounding like "elle a chaud au cul" (she's hot in the ass), he at least used his own copy.
For More on Duchamp, go here.
Until Later,
p.s. please note my formidable restraint in not using 'urine trouble' for the title of this entry.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
The Vagina Monologues
Last night I went to go see The Vagina Monologues. It started originally as Eve Ensler's one woman show, on campus it was performed by maybe 15 or so women.
Let me tell you, it was fantastic.
It made you laugh then cry, then cry then laugh again.
That sounds so cliche, but its true.
Unfortunately in the first 5 minutes of the play, the fire alarm went off. My friend Charity was on stage in mid-sentence when lights started to flash and the buzzer went off. Everyone was out in the cold for almost an hour. I was sure at least half the audience would leave but when we got back in I was pleasantly surprised a good majority of people stayed. It was definitely worth the wait.
So many issues were raised, spoke of things i'd never heard a conversation about, made me think in a different way. Some stories I could connect to instantly, some empowered, some I was in shock, others made me angry at injustices done.
I'm really glad I went. Not only do I insist you go if it's playing near you, I suggest you go out and find it yourself if it's not.
Until Later,
Monday, February 13, 2006
stubborn? me?
You are Mohair.You are a warm and fuzzy type who works well with
others, doing your share without being too
weighty. You can be stubborn and absolutely
refuse to change your position once it is
set, but that's okay since you are good at
covering up your mistakes.
What kind of yarn are you?
brought to you by
Until Later,
Thursday, February 09, 2006
it is blizzarding out, only reinforcing the idea of staying home and sleep.
The weather forecast says- "snow freezing fog". I'm not sure what that is.
Until Later,
Monday, February 06, 2006
something to think about
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
unrelated stuff
It will be nice to be home for the weekend and see a few people. Go get coffee at Joe Bean and buy myself a new pair of pants (to replace the ones that disappeared over winter break...I think they're chilling in Florida right now.)
It feels like I haven't been home in a while but I've only been away 4 weeks.
I'm still really enjoying my classes. I've learned how to (kinda) do that click thing that the !Kung (aka "The Bush People") tribe people make in Anthropology. That's awesome. Christine and I practiced saying the name "!Nai" while walking to the next class.
Learning about other distant cultures is sometimes a nice distraction from other such things that happen to be going on lately. Quel Nightmare.
Went to the study abroad fair today... looked interesting. I can't say I have much of an interest in learning another language though. At least not in a classroom anymore.
I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I want to do something with Sociology. That or Cultural Anthropology even. Perhaps minor in Women's Studies. If I could study abroad and somehow tie that in, that would be awesome. And again, there is always the peace corp after college...
It's a hard decision, wondering what you want to do in life. I enjoy learning and I would like to go on to graduate school, but there are lots of factors involved. Firstly, I'd have to pay for it on my own. Secondly, if I end up doing something like being a social worker, then I really won't have the income to pay off debts from school. Yet I don't want to find out I can't get a job in a field I really want to go into because I didn't get my Master's or whatever.
Bleh Bleh.
Gilmore Girls tonight which means I must get my homework done now. Hopefully they'll start showing new episodes next week. Regardless, I haven't seen many seasons at all this year so it's good to catch up. It's just more drama, but it's still addicting.
Until Later,
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
music is wonderful
Then I spilled hot coffee on myself well walking to Anthro, fumbled my way through the class and was glad to disappear into a seat.
I was sitting in my room, not really wanting to go to Psychology class again, when I decided to put on some happy music.
It was amazing, in 15 minutes flat I went from considering skipping and taking a nap instead to walk/dancing to the science center.
I started talking to my friend Charity (who sits behind me in psych)... I told her that I had this great song in my head, so I'd probably end up dancing in my seat to it. Don't be alarmed, I swear I don't have Tourette's, I just have a song stuck in my head. She asked what Band, I said "Of Montreal" and then we both flipped out about how awesome they are.
From now on I'm gonna make sure I listen to some good music before I go to class. It's funny how something like that can put you in such a damn good mood.
I did a bit of self-barbering today... It's so difficult to try and grow out an a-symetrical haircut. I think I did a pretty good job evening things out a bit... made me feel a bit more pretty without the longer hair in front. Should make it easier to grow my hair long-ish again too. I got a nice smile from a random cute boy when I went to get the haircut can't be all that bad anyway.
And Gilmore Girls tonight! Aw, and It's Rory's 21st birthday... should be interesting.
Until Later,
Sunday, January 22, 2006
the weekend
Time for doing laundry, cleaning my room and finishing up homework!
Sometimes I feel like a neat freak trapped in an ADD person's body...
...I would clean my room if I had the attention span.
At least I give it a try once a week.
I've been in such a good mood recently. Yesterday was boring, but I had a pleasant night. Went to go see a comedian (who's act improved greatly in the last 15 minutes and therefore made the stay worth it) and then watched Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. 'Twas funny.
And now for tonight there is 'Knitting and a Movie' over at the Brick.
It should give me a chance to work on my very first pair of knitted socks again. They have been put off long enough by Anthro class.
I've tried several times to knit socks, but they've never really clicked until now.
Let's hope so anyway, I still have yet to turn the heel... that might be a deal breaker.
Until Later,
Friday, January 20, 2006
no lions and tigers or bears yet
I dreamt I was in Paris again, right near the Eiffel Tower. Its that large open space where you could take pictures and venders come at you and snap open a string of post cards.
In the dream, the Eiffel Tower was much closer, and was a sort of ferris wheel instead. I was with this couple. I'm pretty sure the girl was Indian. There was some kind of thing going on where they kind of had to get away from the group to meet. They took a ride up on the ferris wheel/eiffel tower. They were thrilled with it, it was all terribly happy-go-lucky. Suddenly, water rushes through the street behind us. It's strange though, because the street doesn't actually exsist there. On the other side of the stree in fact is a suburb of my town.
I think- We must get to the shelter. The idea of 'the shelter' was very familiar to me, because I'm pretty sure I've dreamt of the whole water-rushing through the streets of Paris/Webster before. Odd.
So we walk towards the shelter and I'm no longer with the couple but Meg and Jessie instead. We get there, but 'the shelters' are basically horse stalls with people living in them. They're all crowded so we go to the main stall to ask the woman there if there is anymore room. She suggests we try the one next to her. In that shelter, there are only three other girls. They're maybe middle school or high school age, slightly obnoxious but we have no other choice but to stay there. We start talking to them, and they seem pretty cool after all.
One mentions that we don't seem like normal american tourists and so Meg says- "Yeah, we've been here before. We're done with all of the touristy type things."
We all laugh and thats the end of the dream.
Very odd indeed.
Until Later,
Saturday, January 14, 2006
winter is still here

I swear, the last two pictures were not taken in black and white. It was just that freaking gloomy today. Makes for a cool picture though.
Gotta go start packing to go back to school...
Until Later,
Friday, January 13, 2006
a new semester soon!
It's been a really nice break. It was so good to get away from AU and visit Webster again. I got to see lots of people many times, always a good thing.
I've learned a few things since I've been on break. First, that I don't especially like being alone anymore.
Of course, that sounds worse than it actually is. It's simply that before, I'd go out of my way to spend time all by my lonesome. Sure I'd want to see friends, and I would. I would simply value my time alone more than with others.
Now I don't especially like being alone, and have simply become alot more pro-active about calling up friends and making sure I'm not alone.
This is probably just a side effect of living in a dorm. This is not to say I spend all of my time with others either though.
I just had a nice walk up to the park yesterday. I stood up by the white house and enjoyed people watching for almost an hour. The weather was beautiful. I wished I had brought my camera so I could have taken a few pictures of Lake Ontario. I think I'm gonna walk up there again tomorrow and bring my camera.
I've also realized that I miss my friends from back home ALOT. Although I would never trade AU for High School, I do really miss hanging out with friends on a daily basis.
I just need to keep on reminding myself that it's not so much that I'm losing friends from back home, simply gaining new ones from Alfred.
Anyway, this is starting to sound way too sentimental and cliche. Hopefully Webster Park pictures will be up tomorrow! I've gotta make good use of the camera before I go back to school! I'm gonna try to keep up with the regular posting, but I'm gonna be super busy with my new classes next semester. I've really been enjoying getting back to the ol' bloggin'. My goal is to update at least once a week though. We'll see how it goes.
Until Later,
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It seems like lately i've been running into some pretty funny commercials. This Nutrigrain Commercial is hillarious-
click here for it.

Then there's the actor Alan Cumming's new product... perhaps you've heard of it? It's slightly more disturbing than funny, but funny just the same.
i burst into laughter everytime he says "well hello".
Until Later,
Monday, January 09, 2006
pictures of a florida christmas

pool with children and yellow tube.
view from our room.
Until Later,