Wednesday, October 12, 2005

oh yes it is!

My dorm room is so cleeeeeeaaaaaaaan!

I can see the floor! We have a floor!

Now to pick up a broom of sorts. My crap is picked up, but the floor is a bit discusting.

Then again, college and trash on the floor seem a bit inextricable.

It's amazing how cleaning your room and chatting on the phone a bit with an old friend can improve one's mood. I'm coming home this Friday. This is awesome. Again, I will make every attempt to see everyone, but no promises.

Ethics class keeps on getting better and better. I come back from class every day with at least three questions buzzing around in my brain, hardly being able to wait for the next discussion. There was actually a pretty funny conversation with a friend's mom about a month ago. It went something like this:

friend's mom: "So Sondra, what is your major?"

me: "Oh, well, Undecided, but I'm in the Liberal Arts school. I didn't want to declare anything because I figured I'd change my mind ten times over before junior year. I'm probably going to end up majoring in philosophy though."

friend's mom: "Oh?.... Why don't you major in something you like?"

me: "..... I do like philosophy."

*awkward silence*

friend's mom: "oh."

Oh man. Philosophy Major. Fuck. Get ready to take the LSATS dearie...

I'm thinking a small nap sounds pretty good right now.

Until Later,



Anonymous said...

do you know what kind of a job market is there for philosophy majors?

Anonymous said...

Waitressing! Coffee shop employees!

Don't worry. You'll be working next to some very fun and talented drama majors.

Sondra said...

^_^ oh yes, I'm totally aware of the uselessness of such a major.

when i mentioned that to a table full of art majors they just gawked and said- "MY major is more practical than yours!". then i got my hand shaken.