I'm almost back to my normally happy self. There has just been something about this week that has put me in this funky mood. That and the last entry was writen late last night. My emotions and thoughts all seem to come out at night when there is nobody around, and I get lonely.
But enough of that.
I was going to post all of my previous entries on my blog, but frankly i'm too lazy. So if you care to read more, get your butt to my old blog and read your little heart out.
So instead I have decided to do some of the Knitting In Public highlights over the years. Just exerpts of my favorite entries.
Seagull's leg amputated and replaced with barbie leg (true headline)
What the seagull must have looked like
What the other seagulls must have done. Seagulls can be so cruel.
Who could forget Jelly Cat?
Jelly Cat was a blob of jelly that fell from one of the discusting cafeteria peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Meg, who was sitting at my lunch table said- "Hey! That looks like a cat!" Hence, Jelly Cat was born. I swear, in person it looked really feline. Scary.
Jelly Cat
Knitting In Public's Interview with George W. Bush before he really won the election:
Well, dear readers, this week we're in for a special treat. Yes, the rumors are confirmed, Knitting In Public is bringing you the inside scoop of the Republican National Convention! Being a New Yorker myself, I just couldn't let an opportunity like this go by.
Just think of it! Right here in the beautiful state of New York, thousands of Republicans gather together, and who better to bring you a passive, objective report that yours truly. Hey, I might even get an interview with Mr. POTUS himself, Dick Cheney!
Wish me luck!
GB: ...So its clear, by screwing the poor, we really help them!
KIP: Mr. Bush! Mr. Bush! A question from Sondra, the one who writes that oh so savvy Knitting In Public blog!
GB: Ah yes, I'm familiar with your blog...heheh...that crazy jelly cat.
KIP: er...yes, i'm glad your a fan. Mr. President, would you mind answering a few questions?
GB: Um, thats a little irregular...but I guess so. Go ahead Jelly Cat.
KIP: Sir, you do realize that I'm neither gelatinous, nor a cat, right?
GB: Whatever you say, Jelly Cat.
I battle the FCC:
I was taking a shower last night when I looked up and there was this gigantic dead spider. Right above my head. Somehow spiders are just scarier in the shower when you’ve got soap in your eyes and can’t see...
FCC: Er, wait a moment, what’s this about taking a shower? Lets try to keep this blog at least PG here. We don’t mention the human body here at the Federal Communications Commission. It’s obscene. Besides, sometimes it makes us feel funny.
-You mean love?
FCC: We prefer the term Satan. Do as we say or prepare to be pixilated!
-Um. Okay… I was taking a shower in a swimsuit last night…
FCC: What kind of swimsuit was this exactly? We can’t just let that imagination go wild you know. Scandalous.
-I dunno, the blue two piece that I normally wear?
FCC: Hold it there missy. That’s way too Victoria’s Secret. Were definitely thinking something more along the lines of Queen Victoria here. Here, try this, it’s rumored to have been worn by the Queen herself.
-Do I really have to wear that? I mean, it doesn’t even show my knees. Besides, it smells like pickles.
FCC: Grr… Wanna end up like Howard Stern?
-Well, anyway, what? What was I saying? Spiders? Well, now I forget. Well, *beep!* that! *beeeeeeep!*
*This Blog was brought to you by the FCC. Limiting your freedom of speech rights in the name of religious zealots and soccer moms everywhere since 1948!
A Haiku for Coffee:
Sweet nectar of life
Blog more fun when vibrating
Fourth cup this morning
Until Later,
Too far to scroll down to the comments link.
Hope you don't knit scarves like that, or you'd look like you had a tire around your neck by the time you had it wrapped around tightly!
oh and i have to say, that picture of that seagull pointing at that other seagull CRACKS ME UP every time i look at it
yeah...I was really happy the way the seagull drawing came out.
ha HA!
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