1. My Parents got my name from the Cosby Show's eldest daughter, Sondra
2. I blush alot, even when I have no reason to
3. My first three toes are all the same length
4. I can stand on the very tips of my toes
5. The first sweater I knit had skull and crossbones on the sleeves
6. I am now knitting a squid
7. My favorite flowers are Lillys of the Valley. They are also my mother's and my grandmother's favorite
8. I have seen the movie Persuasion thousands of times and I still don't get sick of it
9. When I was little I would play Dungeons and Dragons with neighborhood kids
10. I still miss Calvin and Hobbes
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
The first rule of fight club...
Last night Jessie and I hung out. We watched Fight Club and Pulp Fiction. I had see Pulp Fiction before and neither Jessie or I had seen Fight Club.
Both are kickass movies.
Jessie and I both agreed we need to get wallets with "bad mother fucker" on it. My favorite part is when John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson accidentally shoot the guy in the back of the car so they go hide the car at Quentin Tarantino's place until they can get it cleaned up. The dialogue is hilarous.
I really liked Fight Club also. Not to sound arrogant, but few movie plots really surprise me. I get it from my Dad. Anyways, I don't want to spoil the plot for anyone who hasn't seen the movie, but it did really genuinely surprise me. Plus it was just a really cool movie.
It was good to finally get out of the house. Jessie painted my nails as we watched horrible violence. Jessie couldn't get her eyes off Brad Pit's beautiful pelvis. Can you blame her?
Bah. Its so humid out. No more typing for today.
Until Later,
Both are kickass movies.
Jessie and I both agreed we need to get wallets with "bad mother fucker" on it. My favorite part is when John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson accidentally shoot the guy in the back of the car so they go hide the car at Quentin Tarantino's place until they can get it cleaned up. The dialogue is hilarous.
I really liked Fight Club also. Not to sound arrogant, but few movie plots really surprise me. I get it from my Dad. Anyways, I don't want to spoil the plot for anyone who hasn't seen the movie, but it did really genuinely surprise me. Plus it was just a really cool movie.
It was good to finally get out of the house. Jessie painted my nails as we watched horrible violence. Jessie couldn't get her eyes off Brad Pit's beautiful pelvis. Can you blame her?
Bah. Its so humid out. No more typing for today.
Until Later,
Monday, June 27, 2005
I graduated yesterday. I donned my cap and gown, found my place in a alphabetized class, walked across the stage and got my diploma.
Evan (our class president) gave what I thought was a very brave speech. He said that from his own personal experience, the only way to a truly meaningful life was through God.
Family came also. Although, only partialy for my graduation. The other part was my Grandparent's 50th anniversary.
It was so crazy seeing aunts and uncles I haven't seen in a long time, some more than two years. My Uncle Jim made me a margarita and I showed Grandma and Uncle Dave my pictures from France. Can you believe Uncle Dave and myself are the only ones in our entire family who loved "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"? Its such a fabulous movie, how can you not love it?!
It was lovely. Oh, and my Grandpa makes the best fscking guacamole ever.
I can truly tell that they are very proud of me. 'Proud of me' is never a word I thought my parents felt about me academically. Although I'm intelligent enough to get good grades, a combination of ADD, disorganization and my own lazyness prevent me from getting an average above the low 80's. Needless to say it has been a point of infinite frustration for my parents because they see my potential, but its never manifested in grades.
But they truly are proud. I can't believe it, and they seem to be showering me with gifts. A skirt and sweater for graduation. My mom sewed me a bag to keep my knitting needles and grandma made me an entire quilt for college! Now if thats not enough, my parents are taking me to go see "As you like it" in Stratford because
a) Barenaked Ladies are doing the music for it (snicker all you like, I still have my oh so embarassing crush on Steven Page's voice)
b) Because its set in the 60's in a warhol-esque way and
c) Because Shakespeare is the man.
All of this makes me feel guilty, that I know I could have tried harder, I could have made better decisions to get better grades, and then maybe I'd feel I deserved any of this.
I just found the antidote for Senioritis a bit too late.
Until Later,
Evan (our class president) gave what I thought was a very brave speech. He said that from his own personal experience, the only way to a truly meaningful life was through God.
Family came also. Although, only partialy for my graduation. The other part was my Grandparent's 50th anniversary.
It was so crazy seeing aunts and uncles I haven't seen in a long time, some more than two years. My Uncle Jim made me a margarita and I showed Grandma and Uncle Dave my pictures from France. Can you believe Uncle Dave and myself are the only ones in our entire family who loved "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"? Its such a fabulous movie, how can you not love it?!
It was lovely. Oh, and my Grandpa makes the best fscking guacamole ever.
I can truly tell that they are very proud of me. 'Proud of me' is never a word I thought my parents felt about me academically. Although I'm intelligent enough to get good grades, a combination of ADD, disorganization and my own lazyness prevent me from getting an average above the low 80's. Needless to say it has been a point of infinite frustration for my parents because they see my potential, but its never manifested in grades.
But they truly are proud. I can't believe it, and they seem to be showering me with gifts. A skirt and sweater for graduation. My mom sewed me a bag to keep my knitting needles and grandma made me an entire quilt for college! Now if thats not enough, my parents are taking me to go see "As you like it" in Stratford because
a) Barenaked Ladies are doing the music for it (snicker all you like, I still have my oh so embarassing crush on Steven Page's voice)
b) Because its set in the 60's in a warhol-esque way and
c) Because Shakespeare is the man.
All of this makes me feel guilty, that I know I could have tried harder, I could have made better decisions to get better grades, and then maybe I'd feel I deserved any of this.
I just found the antidote for Senioritis a bit too late.
Until Later,
Saturday, June 25, 2005
No Morrissey For Me!
I'd like to thank all who commented on my last entry. Your all lovely darlings, really.
I'm almost back to my normally happy self. There has just been something about this week that has put me in this funky mood. That and the last entry was writen late last night. My emotions and thoughts all seem to come out at night when there is nobody around, and I get lonely.
But enough of that.
I was going to post all of my previous entries on my blog, but frankly i'm too lazy. So if you care to read more, get your butt to my old blog and read your little heart out.
So instead I have decided to do some of the Knitting In Public highlights over the years. Just exerpts of my favorite entries.
Seagull's leg amputated and replaced with barbie leg (true headline)

What the seagull must have looked like

What the other seagulls must have done. Seagulls can be so cruel.
Who could forget Jelly Cat?
Jelly Cat was a blob of jelly that fell from one of the discusting cafeteria peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Meg, who was sitting at my lunch table said- "Hey! That looks like a cat!" Hence, Jelly Cat was born. I swear, in person it looked really feline. Scary.

Jelly Cat
Knitting In Public's Interview with George W. Bush before he really won the election:
Well, dear readers, this week we're in for a special treat. Yes, the rumors are confirmed, Knitting In Public is bringing you the inside scoop of the Republican National Convention! Being a New Yorker myself, I just couldn't let an opportunity like this go by.
Just think of it! Right here in the beautiful state of New York, thousands of Republicans gather together, and who better to bring you a passive, objective report that yours truly. Hey, I might even get an interview with Mr. POTUS himself, Dick Cheney!
Wish me luck!
GB: ...So its clear, by screwing the poor, we really help them!
KIP: Mr. Bush! Mr. Bush! A question from Sondra, the one who writes that oh so savvy Knitting In Public blog!
GB: Ah yes, I'm familiar with your blog...heheh...that crazy jelly cat.
KIP: er...yes, i'm glad your a fan. Mr. President, would you mind answering a few questions?
GB: Um, thats a little irregular...but I guess so. Go ahead Jelly Cat.
KIP: Sir, you do realize that I'm neither gelatinous, nor a cat, right?
GB: Whatever you say, Jelly Cat.
I battle the FCC:
I was taking a shower last night when I looked up and there was this gigantic dead spider. Right above my head. Somehow spiders are just scarier in the shower when you’ve got soap in your eyes and can’t see...
FCC: Er, wait a moment, what’s this about taking a shower? Lets try to keep this blog at least PG here. We don’t mention the human body here at the Federal Communications Commission. It’s obscene. Besides, sometimes it makes us feel funny.
-You mean love?
FCC: We prefer the term Satan. Do as we say or prepare to be pixilated!
-Um. Okay… I was taking a shower in a swimsuit last night…
FCC: What kind of swimsuit was this exactly? We can’t just let that imagination go wild you know. Scandalous.
-I dunno, the blue two piece that I normally wear?
FCC: Hold it there missy. That’s way too Victoria’s Secret. Were definitely thinking something more along the lines of Queen Victoria here. Here, try this, it’s rumored to have been worn by the Queen herself.
-Do I really have to wear that? I mean, it doesn’t even show my knees. Besides, it smells like pickles.
FCC: Grr… Wanna end up like Howard Stern?
-Well, anyway, what? What was I saying? Spiders? Well, now I forget. Well, *beep!* that! *beeeeeeep!*
*This Blog was brought to you by the FCC. Limiting your freedom of speech rights in the name of religious zealots and soccer moms everywhere since 1948!
A Haiku for Coffee:
Sweet nectar of life
Blog more fun when vibrating
Fourth cup this morning
Until Later,
I'm almost back to my normally happy self. There has just been something about this week that has put me in this funky mood. That and the last entry was writen late last night. My emotions and thoughts all seem to come out at night when there is nobody around, and I get lonely.
But enough of that.
I was going to post all of my previous entries on my blog, but frankly i'm too lazy. So if you care to read more, get your butt to my old blog and read your little heart out.
So instead I have decided to do some of the Knitting In Public highlights over the years. Just exerpts of my favorite entries.
Seagull's leg amputated and replaced with barbie leg (true headline)
What the seagull must have looked like
What the other seagulls must have done. Seagulls can be so cruel.
Who could forget Jelly Cat?
Jelly Cat was a blob of jelly that fell from one of the discusting cafeteria peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Meg, who was sitting at my lunch table said- "Hey! That looks like a cat!" Hence, Jelly Cat was born. I swear, in person it looked really feline. Scary.
Jelly Cat
Knitting In Public's Interview with George W. Bush before he really won the election:
Well, dear readers, this week we're in for a special treat. Yes, the rumors are confirmed, Knitting In Public is bringing you the inside scoop of the Republican National Convention! Being a New Yorker myself, I just couldn't let an opportunity like this go by.
Just think of it! Right here in the beautiful state of New York, thousands of Republicans gather together, and who better to bring you a passive, objective report that yours truly. Hey, I might even get an interview with Mr. POTUS himself, Dick Cheney!
Wish me luck!
GB: ...So its clear, by screwing the poor, we really help them!
KIP: Mr. Bush! Mr. Bush! A question from Sondra, the one who writes that oh so savvy Knitting In Public blog!
GB: Ah yes, I'm familiar with your blog...heheh...that crazy jelly cat.
KIP: er...yes, i'm glad your a fan. Mr. President, would you mind answering a few questions?
GB: Um, thats a little irregular...but I guess so. Go ahead Jelly Cat.
KIP: Sir, you do realize that I'm neither gelatinous, nor a cat, right?
GB: Whatever you say, Jelly Cat.
I battle the FCC:
I was taking a shower last night when I looked up and there was this gigantic dead spider. Right above my head. Somehow spiders are just scarier in the shower when you’ve got soap in your eyes and can’t see...
FCC: Er, wait a moment, what’s this about taking a shower? Lets try to keep this blog at least PG here. We don’t mention the human body here at the Federal Communications Commission. It’s obscene. Besides, sometimes it makes us feel funny.
-You mean love?
FCC: We prefer the term Satan. Do as we say or prepare to be pixilated!
-Um. Okay… I was taking a shower in a swimsuit last night…
FCC: What kind of swimsuit was this exactly? We can’t just let that imagination go wild you know. Scandalous.
-I dunno, the blue two piece that I normally wear?
FCC: Hold it there missy. That’s way too Victoria’s Secret. Were definitely thinking something more along the lines of Queen Victoria here. Here, try this, it’s rumored to have been worn by the Queen herself.
-Do I really have to wear that? I mean, it doesn’t even show my knees. Besides, it smells like pickles.
FCC: Grr… Wanna end up like Howard Stern?
-Well, anyway, what? What was I saying? Spiders? Well, now I forget. Well, *beep!* that! *beeeeeeep!*
*This Blog was brought to you by the FCC. Limiting your freedom of speech rights in the name of religious zealots and soccer moms everywhere since 1948!
A Haiku for Coffee:
Sweet nectar of life
Blog more fun when vibrating
Fourth cup this morning
Until Later,
Friday, June 24, 2005
I've been thinking alot lately about love.
Love in an abstract way, and also love in individuals.
I watched part of the movie serendipity tonight. For those who don't know, serendipity is a bit cheesy but none the less cute John Cusack movie where he meets an amazing girl who is gone out of his life as suddenly as she came into it. The only thing he has left to look for her is her address she wrote down in a copy of a book, and the only thing she has is a five dollar bill with his name on it. Both look but cannot find these items until, of course, the timing is perfect.
However impractical, the idea is lovely. The idea of two people meeting, having a wonderful time but soon drawn away before anything could be done. Part of me loves this idea, that the one chance meeting could determine the rest of your life.
Then there is the cynical part of me. The part that tells me that this is the very idea movie producers love because it makes single people like me go out there and buy more movie tickets so we can pine.
The part that tells me that in these movies we don't get to see how much John Cusack's treasured Simpsons collectables irritates Kate Beckinsale, and how much it irks John Cusack when Kate Beckinsale plays her beloved Titanic Soundtrack for the third time that day.
I know that relationships aren't perfect. I know that you have to work at them and sometimes let the other's quirks go.
What I don't understand is why some people have such a difficult time finding someone, when others have such an easy time.
Its late and I don't want to cross any borders that shouldn't be crossed, however I can't help but go through lists, like I always do.
There has been the boy who has had no idea that I've loved him.
There has been the boy where we met for a few amazing hours, but distance and time has drawn us apart.
There has been the boy where I told him I liked him but said he was still hurting and then things stopped after that.
There has been the boy where things have been on again and off again, but always find our niche at friendship.
I'm not complaining. I'm not angry or hurt or upset about any of these. I just feel lost. People tell me that "You'll eventually find someone" or that "Your prince will come" and other such stuff. The point is I've been saying that sort of stuff for a long time and its just not working anymore.
I'm not sure what exactly this calls for. Most likely an inward change. More self confidence is something I need to work on. How? I really have no idea.
I feel like its this constant battle between two selves.
The first self just wants a guy, someone who will hold and kiss my attention-starved self. The second self thinks that I'll have to try harder to both be and meet a better person. Lust vs. Mind, Id vs. Superego. Right now its the Id that seems to be winning. Damn.
Until Later,
I watched part of the movie serendipity tonight. For those who don't know, serendipity is a bit cheesy but none the less cute John Cusack movie where he meets an amazing girl who is gone out of his life as suddenly as she came into it. The only thing he has left to look for her is her address she wrote down in a copy of a book, and the only thing she has is a five dollar bill with his name on it. Both look but cannot find these items until, of course, the timing is perfect.
However impractical, the idea is lovely. The idea of two people meeting, having a wonderful time but soon drawn away before anything could be done. Part of me loves this idea, that the one chance meeting could determine the rest of your life.
Then there is the cynical part of me. The part that tells me that this is the very idea movie producers love because it makes single people like me go out there and buy more movie tickets so we can pine.
The part that tells me that in these movies we don't get to see how much John Cusack's treasured Simpsons collectables irritates Kate Beckinsale, and how much it irks John Cusack when Kate Beckinsale plays her beloved Titanic Soundtrack for the third time that day.
I know that relationships aren't perfect. I know that you have to work at them and sometimes let the other's quirks go.
What I don't understand is why some people have such a difficult time finding someone, when others have such an easy time.
Its late and I don't want to cross any borders that shouldn't be crossed, however I can't help but go through lists, like I always do.
There has been the boy who has had no idea that I've loved him.
There has been the boy where we met for a few amazing hours, but distance and time has drawn us apart.
There has been the boy where I told him I liked him but said he was still hurting and then things stopped after that.
There has been the boy where things have been on again and off again, but always find our niche at friendship.
I'm not complaining. I'm not angry or hurt or upset about any of these. I just feel lost. People tell me that "You'll eventually find someone" or that "Your prince will come" and other such stuff. The point is I've been saying that sort of stuff for a long time and its just not working anymore.
I'm not sure what exactly this calls for. Most likely an inward change. More self confidence is something I need to work on. How? I really have no idea.
I feel like its this constant battle between two selves.
The first self just wants a guy, someone who will hold and kiss my attention-starved self. The second self thinks that I'll have to try harder to both be and meet a better person. Lust vs. Mind, Id vs. Superego. Right now its the Id that seems to be winning. Damn.
Until Later,
Thursday, June 23, 2005
All Shiny and New
Welcome to the new Knitting In Public! My old entries will be up soon and plenty of new entries will be up soon also!
Until Later,
Until Later,
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