It's been a while, hasn't it? Every once and a while I've been wanting to start posting again. A milestone like your 21st birthday gives the perfect excuse to start up again.
I was lucky enough to celebrate two birthdays. One with James visiting and my friends from Rochester the day after Thanksgiving.
The second with my friends from Buffalo on my real birth date.
Both were absolutely wonderful.
Early Birthday consisted of James waking up around 10 (no early black friday shopping for us!). We ended up shopping a little, and I finished my chirstmas shopping for my family. That night we went to a Japanese place, Arigato Restaurant. It was lots of fun. They cooked on a hibachi grill in front of us, made a little 'volcano' from onion rings stacked up on each other. We were also tossed little 'rice balls' (little clumps of the rice that was being cooked) that we had to catch in our mouths. The first one tossed to me (I was so close!) bounced off my teeth. The second rice ball fell down my shirt. Eeek!
After a delicious dinner, I was given a geshia wig and a shawl made from some oriental-looking fabric and I got my picture taken with my friends. The wig was pretty itchy, but everyone seemed to get a kick out of it.
We headed back to my house and we opened presents and all the rest of the traditional birthday things. I got some really beautiful gifts, like lots of girly bath things, a beautiful hand (and blue ribbon winning) shawl, and a mix CD (mix CD doesn't have the same ring to it as mix tape does). I also got a very beautiful blue topaz necklace from James that looks like this-

Isn't it pretty? James picked it out himself too, which makes it extra special. I apologize for the lack of detail in the picture, I snapped that with my webcam. Maybe some day I'll get a digital camera to take beautiful pictures with. Anyway, I promise it's even more beautiful in person.
It was really wonderful to see my friends from Rochester again, and it really reminded me how lucky of a girl I am. Having James there was wonderful as well, and he did everything to make my birthday the best yet. He succeeded with flying colors.
My next birthday (my real birthday) was a little less eventful, but still lots of fun. After getting comment-bombed on my facebook account (thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone!) I went out to Applebees with some friends. My first legal drink? A Perfect Margarita! A big part of the appeal was that it came with the drink mixer, so I ended up having essentially three drinks. It was delicious! Next time I'm at applebees and I have the financial funds, I'm certainly ordering it again.

About 20 minutes into my drink, my friend Keith made a joke which made me start to giggle. In turn, he yelled out- "It looks like we have a giggler!", which in turn only made me giggle more.
After dinner, we decided to stop by Wegmans (a wonderful grocery store for those who are not familiar with the new york-pennsylvania area) to pick up some more booze (specifically baileys). While driving there, I called James for the last few minutes of my 21st birthday. You can of course read all about that conversation here. Of course, keep in mind he just brought up my phone call to distract from the fact he wore out his car battery. ;)
We got to Wegmans, and wandered around the store (I was very giddy, and spent most of the time bouncing around and giggling). We got to the beer section only to realize- Wegmans doesn't have a liquor license. We decided to call it a night and save going to a liquor store for another day.
We came back to the suite, and my friend/suitemate Becky had made me a cake. It was devils food cake with strawberry frosting. She even had me pick out my own candles, I picked out some candles shaped like stars. It was wonderful, and tasted delicious! Here is a quite blurry picture of the beautiful cake.

No amount of sharpening is going to make the picture clearer, but you get the idea. While eating the cake, I broke the plastic fork I was using. That only brought on more giggles. However breaking the fork was in no way connected to my inebriated state because the very next day when helping myself to the very slice you see here, my plastic fork broke again.
I had a wonderful night, and I quickly fell asleep.
The post is not as picture heavy as I really wanted it to be, but I'm working on adding more pictures. Keep checking and there will be additional pictures of my birthday and possibly a post about me and James' trip to Niagara Falls.
Until Later,